
Aug 28, 2009 12:53

So tonight Graham and I have our second date! We're having dinner at my place~! I'm cooking Salmon with a lemon butter sauce on a bed of rice served with white wine. Then for dessert we're having Angel Food Cake and whip cream or chocolate syrup! Yum!! I hope it all turns out well!!! I'm so excited! We're going to watch movies, play video games and just enjoy each others company ^^ a nice quiet evening. I'm really looking forward to it! He is the sweetest guy ever!!!! Annnnd it turns out he liked me since we met at Akon too!!!! Isn't that so awesome??? I just feel a little dense because he had been flirting with me all this time and I didn't even notice! I thought he didn't like me that way but he did!!! Squeeee!!! I'm so, so, so happy with him!  He's wonderful :3 We've been txting each other every day and he always manages to make me smile even if my day has been complete crap! Ahhh I'm just wow. So happy! <3 I'm really wishing it was 5 already so I could go pick up the stuff for dinner and get everything ready for him! I'm going to make it as romantic as possible! I even found a candle lol!!! Just wow he makes me so happy! Compliments me, calls me his cutey, says he likes my laugh just kya! I'm so happy!!! We have so much fun hanging out too! I get to see him twice this weekend because of our date and because we always hang out with Tim and Shannon on Saturdays :3 I'm loving how well everything is going!

Classes have also started. I've only been to two so far, Creative Writing Non-Fiction and my first day of German. The teachers seem really cool, I'm just going to have to do a lot of studying @_@ I should really get hold of my books...I really need my German book before monday though ~_~ I'll have to see if I can get to the bookstore before then but I dunno...it's difficult. We'll see.

So yeah everything is FABULOUS! I'm so happy! But now I must get back to work as I am very, very busy! I'll update with the after date news at some point this weekend!!! Ja ne!

graham, date, school, happy

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