A day in the life of Kit:
- 00:11 At least Graham makes me feel better n.n I'm so looking forward to Friday! Just need to clean...and figure out what to cook... #
- 00:13 Ok time for bed. Tomorrow I slaughter parking services and then deal with work and night class. Ugh. Fucking hate school. #
- 17:02 Still no computer at work. At apartment for short bit to clean and prepare for tomorrow...then off to class at 6:30 blah #
- 17:24 Place is starting to look acceptable! And smells like bleach lol. Yay cleaning Kit! I can't wait for Graham to be over tomorrow! :3 #
- 17:30 1 hour until class...boooooo. I hope we get let out early though #
- 17:30 ad: just in case, at printrunner you get 50% off of color copies if you use the code JUN50CLR before jun 15th is.gd/2CHiz #
- 17:40 *sigh* I gotta get my poetry book soon apparently...I think that's what class I have today...huh. Well I'll find out soon. #
- 17:43 Great....it's about to storm -_- I still need to get my zune charged before I can head out though!! uggghhhh weather. #
- 18:13 I hate storms -_- #
- 20:32 I return from 2 hours of education! Yay for early dismissal! #
- 20:33 @ fuckedupheart date was wonderful~ we have a second date tomorrow. He's amazing <3 #
- 20:38 @ fuckedupheart yep! I'm very excited with how it turned out! :3 #
- 21:24 Class tomorrow morning...blah #
- 21:40 Oh mein Gott. Tomorrow is my first day of German class lol :p #
- 21:58 i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii160/GeddoeKillsAll/broklitsa.jpg lol Kelly knows me so well XD My word & My band X3 #
- 22:04 I take quicker showers than my bf lol #
- 22:08 @ HunterRyu I know XD but I just hate taking long showers! #
- 22:10 I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow!!! Kick ass! X3 #
- 22:27 My bf? Yeah totally a perv :p #
- 22:29 WHY DO I STILL SMELL LIKE BLEACH?! I totally showered ;^; #
- 22:30 @ HunterRyu lol it's ok, I like his perverseness. And no it's definitely me, my hands still smell like bleach ugh. #
- 22:37 @ Eialyne of course! I totally forgot that detail XD #
- 23:08 Annnd the rain has begun~ #
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