Adventures in high fructose corn syrup

Jul 29, 2007 11:15

Things have been crazy this week.  I don’t even want to go into work drama but I think everything is going to hit the fan in spectacular fashion sometime next week.

I made a deal with K at work on Friday.  We are going to go two weeks with out eating anything containing high fructose corn syrup or any forms of it.  Saturday afternoon it was off to the market and that was quite an eye opener.  Out of 9 brands of Cranberry juice I only found one that did not contain it.  But it was a great discovery Northland Cranberry-Blackberry is FANTASTIC.  I never spent so much time looking at labels.  I was horrified at the amount of products they put this crap in.  Case and point: Polish sausage - only Farmland did not have it.  Why the hell would you put corn syrup in sausage?  I just feel gross thinking about how much of this crap I have put into my body in my life. Seriously look at labels next time you shop.  It will be interesting to see if cutting that out with no other changes for two weeks does anything to my weight or how I feel.

My partner in crime for Saturday night was feeling just as much as a homebody as I was so we called off the concert and I settled into a cozy evening at home.  Touched up my roots and started dinner just to realize that I had no beer to simmer the sausage in.  Ran to the liquor store and proceeded to get carded.  Hehehe  Granted the first word out of my mouth was “You can’t be serious?”  He said “Well I would put you at about my age”.   So I guess the key to looking younger is un-styled hair, no makeup, tee shirt, shorts and flip flops.  Who knew, and to think of all the time I spend primping.

Cooked up the polish sausage with sour kraut grabbed a beer and curled up with my long time love - Dr. Zhivago.  Nice mellow evening.

But tonight, tonight is Erasure!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am so excited.  I never got to see them in HS or college.  We are going to have so much fun; I just hope they aren’t using walkers.  :-)
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