It's Here Already!

Sep 03, 2009 17:35

After cleaning off my beautiful hand-crafted pine dresser for the first time in a year I realized that I am wearing more jewelry now and have nowhere to put it. I have a couple of old cigar boxes that I keep my treasures in but I wanted something more accessible - a necklace tree. And this is the one I wanted:

Well, the seller was no longer active and I couldn't get it, so I emailed my old friend
Nay in Arizona and asked her to make one for me! She gave me a good price on Sunday and now it's Thursday and I have it my hot little hands! W00t.

And it looks so good! that picture doesn't do it justice because you can bend it any way you like and smooth it out and it was kind of bendy in the box. I love it, thanks Nay.
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