Review - Swingtown

Jun 06, 2008 17:16

I was lucky enough to be listening to the local oldies radio station yesterday when they were covering the premier of the new CBS drama, Swingtown. I set my DVR as soon as I got home! If you know me, you know that I love the 70's, and that's not a borrowed slogan from the show of the same name. If it happened in the 70's I lived or I love it, and this show did not disappoint. Did I mention, as the title suggests, that it's about the wife-swapping era? Aw yeaaaaah.

The music, the vignettes, the suspenseful plot-lines, they were all there in their right places. The fashions and the decor all made me ache for my favorite decade, and in the cast I saw many a familiar face, not all of which I have yet placed. To be sure Jack Davenport, last seen in BBC's Coupling, surprised me with an American accent that is either not very good or I'm not convinceable. I saw the name Grant Show in the early credits and I got excited for a moment thinking it was the hot brother from Eight is Enough; yeah, that's Grant Goodeve and he's about 56 now. I am old! Grant Show was a different hottie from the 90's drama Melrose Place, and he still looks plenty good as a swinging pilot. Their wives and neighbors are all tv veterans who I will figure out later, and there is plenty going on with the kids and teens on this show. I would highly recommend Swingtown if, like me, you long for the days of Snak-Pak pudding, Rosamond paintings and OP shirts. I actually had a flash-back of my Trimline phone being knocked over when I got up from my waterbed. The waves, the waves! Watch the ashtray! I nearly burned a hole in my rainbow bedspread.

Here's the one my aunt Lavonne had in her apartment

tv, psa, 70's

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