
Apr 26, 2007 11:53

Last weekend was pretty good, callneg151 came down from Sacramento to go to Grace's funeral. He stayed on our couch Saturday night and we had fun catching up and having a bit of wine. I made my famous tortilla soup that is actually mforbes321's secret recipe - your secret it out! Everyone I know loves this stuff, Grace raved about it so much it made me finally try tortilla soup and I make at least twice a month. Of course I use Quorn chicken breast because I don't eat the real thing which is probably why I haven't ever tried restaurant tortilla soup. I also change it up a bit for our gringo taste and plop some plain yoghurt on top and serve with cornbread.


Sunday was the memorial and there was a lot of work to be done including selecting songs and burning the CD, selecting images for the program, flowers, getting posters made and just getting all the stuff where it should be in a timely manor. Lots of people were giving me the credit but actually the whole thing was a huge collaboative effort with especially hard working Felix, mforbes321 and callneg151 going the last mile to prop me up as I bobbled a couple of things. I had been dreading the day for a long time and I was anxious for it to be over. Terene, the woman who hosted the Reader's Studio at the Learning Light with Grace, was a life-saver in dressing the tables and helping to pull it all together so that the space looked wonderful when guests arrived.

In the morning I left on my own to pick up Grace's ashes from her house where her sister had left them for me as well as the jewelry she got back from the coroner. I planned to have a last meal with her where we had our last meal in life, on her livingroom floor. The Sunday before she passed we had pizza and did some work around the house. But my plans were thwarted when some workmen her siter had sent over came by and were looking around the house for quite a while. I had places to go and my moment was lost but I had to get going and I didn't know who these people were or what I was supposed to do for them. Eventually they left and I was late, but it turned out ok thanks to Mel and Terene.

The memorial was beautiful, the flowers were fantastic and my boys were in suits! Orion looked like a little Brit-pop star from 1966, I was so proud (pictures to follow). I'm so thankful to everyone who came out, you all meant so much to Grace and even if she didn't reach out for help as much as we liked, she spoke about you often and loved every one of you. I'm thankful that Grace was adopted into our family at holidays times and spent her last x-mas and Thanksgiving with us, and that we had a party for her last birthday. Well, it was an Aquarius party but she was there! And Mel took her out on her birthday and her lst night on his Earth, and she was happier than she had been in along time despite her troubles. Thanks, everyone. My only regret is that I was too overcome to speak at the memorial for someone so dear to me, but I guess they go hand in hand. I will write those words at another time.


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