It's the middle of summer here, so naturally, we're currently having a thunderstorm, complete with pouring rain. And now, apparently, hail. Yay for living next door to Antarctica! :P
In other news, my holiday card from
deeplyunhip arrived yesterday, all the way from the US. Thanks Kim! ~♥ I actually did a little squeeful dance over it, because it was so ridiculously exciting and I need to get out more XD
I'm back from up north, and more or less recovered from all the travel and Christmassy stuff. The trip went pretty well, although it was ridiculously hot and humid up there. Managed to get all my crocheting done, except for a few things that I've been given extensions for, since they won't actually be used until winter. I was still working on things right up until late afternoon on Christmas Eve, but I got there in the end.
Family stuff went pretty well on my end of things: only two major arguments, one over my asexuality - apparently I'm delusional and I just need to get out more, and one over my weight/eating/exercise, or lack thereof. The second is an argument we have every time we're together, but first was a new and different topic to fight over. [At this point, my mother would probably want me to point out that they weren't arguments, they were lively discussions. Another topic we agree to disagree on XP]. Apart from that, most of us got along fairly well (except for my stepsisters, who had some dramas), which was lovely, and made a nice change from some of our other Christmases.
Also, I got some good loot XD
I figured that since we're already well into January, I should probably do a quick roundup of 2010.
Me: Turned 30 (omg, so old!). Still sick. Currently seeing a doctor, a counsellor, an occupational therapist and a physiotherapist. Saw NZ's leading CFS specialist in November (note that she may also be NZ's only CFS specialist XD). Apart from seeing health professionals and my family, I really have no life.
Family: Mum's still up north, Dad's still down here. My sister volunteered in Haiti, and I'm tremendously proud of her ♥
Friends: Was a bridesmaid for my friends in February, which ended in a massive falling out from which we are still trying to recover. Will never be a bridesmaid again. Made heaps of new online friends - yay!!
Fandom: The area of my life where stuff happened. Wrote my first fanfic this year (which now has 100 hits on AO3! Still can't believe people read my stuff!). Joined
westerosorting - best decision I ever made. Won some tourneys, had heaps of fun. Can't believe it's only been a year. I love you guys! Also joined
hogwartsishome, which is also great fun. Best year ever!
I hate resolutions. I hate the pressure that comes with them, and the sense of failure when you don't achieve them. Nevertheless, I thought I'd make some this year anyway, as there are things that I actually want to do this year.
1) Post at least once every two weeks. I thought about doing the first line of every month meme, but there was at least one month in 2010 where I hadn't posted at all, and half of the other posts were fic. I want to post more often, even if it's just little things.
2) Comment moar. I go through periods of commenting on everything, then either I get sick or I slack off. I want to try to be more consistent, and participate more in discussions. Also, I want you guys to know that I'm reading your stuff, and I want to make sure I tell people who post awesome fic/art etc in communities that they're awesome.
3) Keep putting effort into the whole recovery/rehabilitation/not being so sick thing that I have going on at the moment. There are a lot of people working hard to try to help me manage my CFS, and I need to work as hard at it as I can. Again, something I tend to do really well for a while, then everything falls apart.
4) Have a life in meatspace, not just online. This isn't something I particularly mind not having, but everyone else I know seems to think that I need to talk to "real" people occasionally.
Should be interesting to look back this time next year and see how I've done with these. If you notice that I'm sucking at the first two, feel free to tell me off XP
Hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of 2011, and that you have better weather than I do!