To my flist (at the risk of sounding incredibly soppy)

Jan 01, 2011 14:24

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you. This year has been the third year that I've been sick, and it has been by far the best of the three. Partly that's because I've been seeing a few different medical people and trying out different treatment ideas and lifestyle changes to see which ones will help, and partly it's because I don't have to worry about my PhD any more. But mostly it's because of you guys. I've had so much fun on LJ this year, making new friends and hanging out in new communities (westerosorting ♥♥♥). I love hearing about your lives and chatting with you about random stuff. I love the fact that people comment on my posts, and that I can post my name to the Holiday Love Meme and actually have people reply to it. Basically, you've all brightened the life of an ill, 30-year-old, semi shut-in, and I'm incredibly grateful for it.

So thank you, everyone.

Love Kit ♥

you guys rock, flisties, important stuff, hugs

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