Dec 22, 2006 17:04
this is a huge LJ update...haha.
Sometimes it seems like life is put on pause when christmas break comes around. I can stop worrying and stop thinking about if I will ever get OUT of school or worrying about if I'll be accepted by the JET program once I graduate (I really want it). I get to come home and see my sister and my adorable little brother and my crazy parents. ^_^ Sit around all day watching movies with them, going out to dinner together to places where the waitstaff and managers all know our names. haha. Family movie nights and beatin up on our little Jackin.
Erin introduced me to Guitar Hero II. Now I'm addicted...but I don't have any money to buy it so...i suppose I'll have to start begging Shana to let me play hers... :p We even got my mother to try it...if we can convince dad to try it that will just make my christmas break.
The kittens are getting huge...we'll have to get them fixed when I go back to Boone...I love them so much.
'Bout a week left before Felicity and I pack up and run off to Florida again. I miss those kids so much. Just today I read a facebook note from Nicole who put up one of our stories. When the business was slow at night sometimes we'd start playing the one-line-story game on a pad of paper. By the end of the night we'd have paragraphs of a totally ridiculous story that we'd all laugh over while the waiters counted their drawers. I started it maybe a month after I got there and i've heard Justin is teaching it to all the newbies. May not be much...but I guess I left behind a little Cap'n Jacks seater tradition haha. awesome.
Marvin has the entire two weeks of visiting planned out for us. He's even got a coupon/certificate thing to one of the fancier Disney restaurants that he's gonna use on us! ^_^
I'm packing up even more of my crap to go into the new apartment when I get back to Boone. I'm really excited about it. It's huge...and I'll have my own bathroom! That is just...awesome.
Pride and Prejudice is on again. That first confession scene with Darcy is just...*sigh*. Period Romance Films are my girly guilty pleasure. I wanna go back to then. ^_^
I murdered dream boy in a very long and weird dream sequence last night...dunno what thats all head is a very scary and dangerous place it seems...even for me! :p And those weird dreams where everything takes place on a ship or the docks is going on again...three nights in a row now. Maybe i'm not drinking enough water? I just crazy.
wellp. This has been probably the longest entry in the history of my LJ. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. Thank you *bows* and good night.
Once Upon A Cap n Jacks Story
Written by: Abigail, AC, Nikole, Laura, Adrianna, and Sherri
Once upon a time there was a restaurant called Cap n Jacks......
In all through the land everyone went to this wondrous place to take advantage of their night time specials. But unfortunately when people got to this wonderful place it was not what they expected. They came in and guess what they saw, Mickey and Minnie doing.... the shuffle! Immediately the guest began spitting balls of fire at the rodents. Then, Mickey knelt by Minnie and began weeping. It seems poor Minnie had been hit, head on, by one of the fireballs and was dying a slow and agonizing death.
As soon as the news spread across the nation, who should arrive but Mario and the Alpha Unit. Mario got there and thought that he had an Alpha Unit be he turned around and they were no where to be found. Mario started to panic. Then Mario looked at Minnie and said to her, "well I can’t help you so have a Magical Day, I’m out of here!" When Mario said that, Minnie died instantly. Mickey started crying like a baby.
The missing Alpha Unit showed up a few minutes later, having decided to stop for some donuts at Krispy Creme, donuts in hand they walked into Cap n Jacks and were shocked to find...Mickey with a gun pointed to himself. The guests were extremely scared, for if both Mickey and Minnie died, the magic amongst the kingdoms would die as well. But as soon as Mickey was about to shoot himself, Beck comes out of the office crying her eyes out. She confessed her love for Mickey and the fact that she has had a crush on him every since the day she laid eyes on him, Minnie instantly re-appeared and then.....
Mickey says "Oh my God, I see dead people," and grabs his chest as if he was having a heart attack, but comes to find out it's not a heart attack it's his legs, and they fell completely off. But he was ok and managed to drag himself over to Minnie and Beck. Mickey and Beck had lots of rat/human babies and they all lived happily ever after.