Jan 02, 2006 20:07

Happy New Years everyone! Wow, I hope you had as much fun as I did (even tho LK was gone! ahh she missed out)

Went to FM beach with Bette for a few hours, that was a bust. around 11 we headed downtown to watch the ball drop, yay! it was SO crowded. Then Reid called us and wanted us to come into club Envie with him, but they were carding and it was 21 and up...Mischa was gonna try to "distract the bouncer" while we snuck in, haha, but there werel ike 3 other bouncers by the door. So Bette and I were just gonna walk around but then Reid came out and saved the day! One of the bouncers works for Reids' dad and even though there were tons of people tryin to get in (like even people 21+ had to wait, there was a big line), he pointed at us and goes "you two, in" and we were like huh? but we walked in anyways, and he gave the other bouncers the OK, and we got in! OMG yay! it was SO incredibly fun, we stayed 'till 2 am dancin' and havin fun. Since we were supposed to be 21 to be inside, everyone assumed we were 21 and EVERYONE was buyin us drinks, it was so incredibly funny. All these random guys were hittin on us and it was amazingly hilarious- this one guy named Rene was wearin a white suit jacket with a white baseball cap that said "Rene! Who? Rene!" just like the Mike Jones song, hahahahahaha. For some reason Bette told him her name was Sandra, so I said mine was Chelsea because that's the first name that came to mind. There was also this creepy guy Tom, he was standin in our little VIP area (we had a little reserved section with seats and a little table with alcohol and w/e), and he kept pourin us drinks and tryin to kiss me and it was pretty freaky, but we thought he worked there. Turned out he didn't...hahaha...Then the bouncer that got us in, Matricio? (he told us that was his name, but then said it was Coll, but Reid said it was Robert?) came over to talk to us and i thanked him for gettin us in so he leaned in to hug me and burned my arm with his cigarette :( it hurt really bad!

After, we went to some chick's house off Summerlin, then Bette and I stopped by Sundial to see PJ...Bad idea, since B was there. Shouldn't have done that....Oh well....Went home around 5 am, hahahaha

That's pretty much it :) yay, i had such a fun new years!
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