Monday Blaaaaaaah-g

Mar 17, 2008 10:31

I'm feeling ill, and am channeling Garfield. I hate Mondays. Really, I do. I don't know if it's like this for other people, but for me I feel like I have no time off.
My typical weekday looks like this:

Up at 7am
bathe, find clothes, get dressed, dry hair, check blogs/news sites
Eat breakfast, find keys, get lunch together, out the door
Arrive at work by 10:15, but usually at 10:00
Leave between 7:30 and 8:00
Get home, make dinner, eat dinner, play KOL for an hour or two, go to bed around 11:30.

On Mondays I go over to M&D's and play Dr. Mario with mom. Every other day I go straight home.
Saturday I'm usually working. If not, I'm driving mom around getting her errands for the week taken care of and doing errands for my family. Then I go home and try to get caught up on the chores that have been piling up all week. I usually get the place looking half-decent. Every other Saturday we're playing D&D now, which is cool. Sunday I spend all day trying to clean up the house more.

Is it like this for everyone else? Is this what grown-up life is really all about? Because if so...we got sold a bill of goods.


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