Unfinished Zemyx Drabbles

Mar 08, 2009 03:35

Title: Blood
Genre: Kingdom Hearts, vampire!AU
Rating: PG14
Main Character: Demyx
Summary: Once upon a time… he had been alive. Now all that was left was his desire for blood.


He had been normal.

He had been free.

He had been alive… once upon a time…


“I wonder…”

The voice startled the boy, turning his pure blue eyes widened at the sight.

Wearing Darkness as a coat, the other stood with glinting, horrible eyes-eyes focused on the boy and the boy alone.

If only he hadn’t gone there that night…

If only he hadn’t hesitated for that flash of a second…

“…What does a merman’s blood taste like?”

If only… then maybe he would still be alive.


Harsh voices swam through his unconscious state.

“Why did you bring this… thing here?” There should have been disgust, even anger in that statement, but none existed. It was as blank as a wall.

“He is fighting.” Came the calm answer. There should have been curiosity, perhaps stubbornness, in those words… but nothing. Even without emotion in the voice, something called to him.

“Is he now?” There was a distinct lack in the voice. Something was wrong.

His thoughts scattered and fragmented as the pain descended again.

His own shrill voice overcame his ears-something was wrong with his voice too-but his mind did not process it.

There was only pain.


His eyes were cracked open without his consent. Someone flashed something into his retinas, but he couldn’t focus enough to think who.

His mind was a wisp of fog, drifting from darkness to light and back again.

Even through the haze, he could feel his body like a stone, too heavy and too weak. The idea of this disturbed him slightly, but the thought was swept away into the darkness a moment later.


This isn’t right, His whole body screamed with enough force to snap his eyes open.

The boy’s eyes stared at the pale ceiling before him. Nothing was right.

He unconsciously sucked in a breath of air and paid for it. Choking and hacking as his whole body shook; his lungs screamed their pain as they shifted with each gasping breath.


[don't ever ask me to continue this crap]


A/N: vampires... HA. See this post for what would have happened, had I finished it--so be glad I didn't.


Title: Shadows Dancing
Genre: Kingdom Hearts, AU
Rating: PG
Pairing: Zexion/Demyx
Summary: Welcome to Dance Camp.


“Dem, shut up or I’ll nail your face to the chair.” A young woman with sleeked back blonde hair snapped.

The other blond in the passenger seat squirmed eagerly. His hair was just as carefully gelled as the woman’s but instead of sleeked flat, his hair was spiked up into a strange hybrid of mullet and Mohawk. “But, but, Laaaaark-”

“Shut. It. Now.” Larxene growled threateningly to her younger brother.

Demyx bit his lip but couldn’t keep his foot from tapping out his excitement against the glove compartment of his sister’s car.


“Nice room,” The silver-haired teen whistled as he strode into the dorm room, loaned out by the college for the summer to camps.

The shorter teen just shrugged, letting his slate-colored hair fall from his eyes as he surveyed the small off-white walls.

“I can’t believe you’re rooming in Oblivion Hall. You know it’s got the most horror stories of all the dormitories on campus.” Riku continued, seemingly oblivious to his older brother’s lack of attention to the conversation.

Zexion just shrugged again, setting the carefully labeled box of his personal items on the stale bedsheets.

Riku stroked the bland wall of the room, and spoke with a quirk of amused fear, “You remember that story that Paine told us?” He paused for a moment, as if to let his brother answer, but then pushed through, “A lot of the students who stay here develop amnesia, some even forgot their own names.”

Zexion snorted, “Paine just wanted to scare us. I looked up the figures and the percentage is much lower than she claimed. Two out of every three hundred students on campus seem to develop amnesia or some other memory disorder.” He rattled off the facts in a flat, uncaring tone.

The silver-haired brother shook his head. “Here I am, worried about your livelihood and you just shoot me down.” He muttered, his voice dripping with false hurt.

The older of the two, but also the shorter, just narrowed his eyes. In a quiet voice that somehow filled the whole room, he said softly, “Next time you worry for someone’s livelihood, don’t set their library on fire.” Riku choked slightly, “Because then you’re much better off worrying for your own livelihood.” Zexion concluded in a flat but dangerous tone.

Riku winced and set the boxes he had been carrying on the floor, along with the suitcase of clothes. “Right then. I’ll be going.”

Zexion didn’t look up from his contemplation of the single window in the room. “Tell mother and father to pick me up at six in the afternoon, on the twelfth.”

The silver-haired brother fled without giving any acknowledgement that he had heard.

Without any rush, or any regret in his movements-only highly regulated precision-Zexion began to put away his few meager possessions.


“Demyx!” The mullet-mohawk bred blond whipped his head around with a brilliant smile.

“Rikku!” He bounced over to the many-braided blonde and wrapped his arms around her in a tight but simply friendly embrace.

When they parted, both blonds just stood grinning at each other for a moment, as if to take a deep breath before they collapsed back into their usual insane selves.

“How’s Ol’ Cid?” Demyx tilted his head to the side.

Rikku shrugged with a smirk, “Dad’s fine. Still building his airplanes and shite. Balthier should be around here somewhere…”

“I didn’t know your brother was into the Arts.” Demyx blinked, glancing around the cafeteria.

The heavily braided girl snorted, “Of course he isn’t. He’s just sticking around for a bit until he’s got to leave for work.”

“Oh yea, he’s leaving real soon isn’t he?” They started walking towards the line and each absently picked up a tray.

Rikku nodded, the grin on her face fading slightly, “Next week.” She frowned for a moment, than a rather quirked smile appeared in its place, “But he’ll be back in a few months!”

Demyx nodded forcefully, wishing he hadn’t brought it up.


“Hey, Myxie.” Rikku nudged him with her elbow.

“Hmfft?” He made a noise around the glop of food in his mouth, turning his eyes to follow Rikku’s extended finger.

“See that kid with the ridiculous sleeves?” She stage whispered. Demyx had always thought that she simply wasn’t capable of being truly quiet.

He swallowed what he’d been chewing, nearly choking, and replied “Yeah, crazy long.”

Green eyes narrowed in concentration, “But, he hasn’t gotten them in his food at all.”

Demyx knit his brows together as he turned back to watch the small, pale boy move his arms quickly and efficiently through the maze of plates and food on his tray, somehow never trailing a sleeve through anything. “Dude,” Demyx exclaimed in a whisper.

“What?” Rikku stage whispered again.

Demyx smirked in amusement, “You’re deaf, you know that?”

“Nuh-uh!” She scowled at him playfully.

As they shared amusing banter back and forth, Demyx wondered why he had ever dumped Rikku in the first place.


“How do you do that?” A voice interrupted Zexion’s thoughts.

The slate-haired teen turned to see that the owner of the voice was also invading his personal bubble, tugging on his sleeves. Does no one have any manners anymore? He wondered vaguely as he scowled at the brunet.

“Sora!” Another boy sprinted up, looking nearly identical to the blue-eyed child who was making Zexion’s eye twitch, except for that the second boy was blond where the first was brunet.

The blond grabbed the one named Sora, yanking the boy out of Zexion’s space. “Sora, you know better than to run off like that!”

The brunet turned his wide sky-blue eyes on the other narrowed set of small oceans. “But, Roooooxas,”

The blond, apparently named Roxas, looked as if he would growl, “You idiot. Not everyone here belongs to our camp. You’re going to get us in trouble, moron.”

With that, Roxas began to drag the watery-eyed Sora back towards the other side of the cafeteria.


[to NOT be continued, sorry]


A/N: Dance competition-camp-course-thing.. right... I was basing it all off my time at a band camp, mixed with my time at science camp. So it was doomed to begin with.

The probably confusing relationships in this is that Larxene is Demyx's older sister, Rikku is his best friend and ex-girlfriend. Zexion has Riku and Paine as older siblings. Sora and Roxas are, once again, twins. I was going to toss Zexion and Demyx together in something and possibly have some background pairings.

However, I know NOTHING of dance. Again, it was doomed to begin with.

kh: zexion/demyx, fanfic, rating: pg14, kh: au, fic: drabbles, fanfic: kingdom hearts, rating: pg

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