
Oct 02, 2008 23:16

Title: Mimick'd
Genre: Kingdom Hearts/The World Ends With You, AU
Rating: PG
Pairing: Riku/Sora, vague Riku/Sora/Kairi
Summary: ...We were all thinking it. Drabble.

The small orange-headed child peered, with bright blue eyes, around the corner.

A striking, silver-haired man stood tall as he argued quietly with another. "This stranded little island is no place to raise a child, Sor."

The other man's sunny, brown hair stood out at all angles, like some mathematician's worst nightmare, his oceanic eyes flashed as he hissed out his own side of the debate. "Oh and I suppose Shibuya is better? Full of gangs and gun violence?"

A green glint of eyes, and both men paused. "Neku, what are you doing awake?" A low voice hummed through the air, drifting on the silent breeze of midnight.

The boy stiffened, blue eyes opening wide. "Um...?" He sputtered, reluctantly scooting forward until his bare feet scuffed the carpet next to the silver-haired man's equally bare feet.

"Aw shucks. Riku, you woke him up!" The brunet frowned, half teasingly, at his opposite.

"I did not." Riku scowled, crossing his muscled arms, "If anything, it's both our faults, Sora."

Neku flailed his arms, "No! I was gettin' water! I was al'eady awake!" His face falling into a pout, his toothpick arms crisscrossing over a baby-fat thick chest. "It's not nobody's fault." The orange-haired boy declared.

Sora's large blue eyes flicked from one male to the next. From one darkening scowl, to the other's childish pout.

A snicker broke through his gritted teeth, and then the dam broke. Sora burst into laughter, toppling to the side and onto his back as he rolled from side to side.

Riku and Neku blinked and glanced at one another, then flushed and quickly looked away, both dropping their arms and trying to make it decidedly not look like they'd been mirror images of each other a second ago.

Riku groaned and ran a hand through his silvery locks, "...C'mon Nekky, let's find your Mommy, 'cause Daddie is going to be out of commission for awhile."

Neku shot Sora a mild glare, but the sunny brunet ignored both of them, clutching his sides as if to keep them from bursting. "'Kay, Da, but can you beat up Daddie for us later?"

Lips quirked upward slightly before Riku controlled himself into a more neutral expression, "Of course, little Orange-pop." Neku slipped his hand into Riku's as they both strode off, matching expressions of false annoyance at shot at Sora only made the poor man laugh harder.



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x-post'd: khfanfiction, destiny_trio

kh: riku/sora/kairi, fanfic, kh: au, twewy: nekucentric, fanfic: kingdom hearts, fanfic: the world ends with you, rating: pg

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