The World Ends With You

Oct 01, 2008 18:57

So... I caved. I finally played it.

...And I laughed for hours.


Main characters:

Neku: Totally the lovechild of Sora and Riku. He has Sora's adorkableness and Riku's emoness.

Shiki: What's it with pink-haired girls? There's like... four girls in this game and two have pink hair, while the others are both blondes. I mean.. seriously. (Probably all Kairi and Marly's lovechildren, the flucking, pink-haired bunnies)

Joshua: Repliku and Namine's lovechild + a TON of flaming rainbows. I mean.. DAMN that boy's gay as hell.

Beat: Lovable, retarded, lovechild of Seifer and Hayner, I swear to god. Little sister complex.

Rhyme: I keep forgetting she's a girl. Big brother complex.



...Plot..? What plot? Oooooh. THAT plot.

Urm. Not much I can say without spoiling. However, everything's flucking hilarious.



Bloody brilliant is what it is. The art was typical lovely Tetsuya Nomura (although Neku probably could have used a little more weight to him, the friggin toothpick), the NPCs were awesome and the backgrounds were just gorgeous.


Battle System:

I actually enjoyed the battle system quite a lot. Once you get the hang of it, it's quite fun, as well as interesting and challenging at times.

I'll say, Boss Battles on two screens while controlling two very different characters as the boss comes at you in different ways from both sides... Now THAT was a challenge and Jackie will attest to my cursing up a storm while I was arse-whooped in a few of them.

Me, being the way I normally am, refused to lower the difficulty, and actually made it harder for myself at times, but still I don't think I fought a boss more than six times. My average (if I didn't kill them right out on the first shot anyway, which happened more than me having to repeat battles, really) was about two-to-three battles a boss.



...I do have a rather bad habit of screaming out things while I play my games though.. With KH, I would frighten my little brother by yelling out "DIE DIE DIE DIE--BLOODY WELL DIE YOU FUCKERS!" as I laughed manically.

I think Jackie will still be annoyed at me tomorrow for screaming out "FUCK YOU TANGENT MAN!" as I jabbed my poor DS repeatedly with my stylist.


Other Notes:

All in all, totally awesome game. It parallels a lot of KH (amusingly enough: brunet(orangehead, same thing)/hero, pink hair/giggly git, silver hair/lust for freedom) but has it's own twists and turns that are quite fun.

Anyway, I think my only complaint is that it's rather short. But, handheld games always are. D: *gonkface*



-"I am not a...a spicy tuna roll!"

-""Pants. Off. NOW!"
"I'm not taking off my pants in the middle of the street! Shiki, DON'T!""
-Shiki and Neku

-"He really frosts my cookies! D:<"

-"Hello, dead kid speaking."

-"The proof is in the pudding. The pudding...of their doom."

-"Attention, all tasteless tetrahedra!"

-"Only by allowing strangers in, can we find new ways to be ourselves."

-"Um, villain? Screwing with you is my job."

"Time to give this Lollipop a lickin'"

-"Why, hello! This mic is zetta sexy! Perfect for my opus!"

-"Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freaking moon."

-""I tried smashing the button on top but--"
"What?! Are you crazy, that could have been a trap!"
"Yo, you show me a button and I wanna push it. Aight?"
"I think they design traps like this with you in mind.""
-Beat and Neku

-"What the factor took so long?"

-"Attention, you ramen-raiding radians!"

-"You want to be a CRAYON?!"

-"If he pleases you sir, he's yours to play with anytime!"

-"The world ends with you. If you want to enjoy life, expand your world. You gotta push your horizons out as far as they'll go."
-Hanekoma/'Mr. H'


me: getting to the games, me: a life

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