May 18, 2006 22:38
This will be brief.
After much calling around we stayed in a older womans home. She was amazing with her very obedient dogs. She made us breakfast in the morning and we shared spaghetti and wine with her for dinner. I saw more windmills here than Amsterdam.
Overpriced museums, Van Gogh, Anne Frank. Bikes are more scary than cars. Pot is everywhere. I sat in an Indian style cafe giggling and inhaling while eating my space cake.
Prostitutes in glass cases is a weird thing to observe but its very hard not to stare. Supposedly if you take a picture big guys will come out of no wjere and beat you up. I didnt take a picture.
Southern France, where Van Gogh painted just about everything.
The Loire Vally
Massive chateaux. We biked 30 miles through pure french country side into little towns, through forests, passed farms. There were treesand butterflies and Im not as scared of bikes anymore.
We got here today. We strolled through montmarte and were teased by a partially obstructed view of THE TOWER.
I left out all the confusion, trouble, and shit that happened between all of this.