Apr 20, 2010 11:52
I don't have a lot to say in regards to specifics of my weekend but I want to say that it was awesome. I want to just put out a big thanks to people that are special to me, (but not in that way) heeeeee...
Last night I got a glow plug wrench from the local hobby store and a replacement glow plug for my HPI Nitro RS4 3 evo+. Weather is keeping me from really doing much with it right now, but summer is coming and I am hoping to get it ruling tip top. Also very anxious to find out Joe these super cheepy rubber pre-mounted tires I got for my car will perform and hold up. As much as i like driving with traction, i would rather have it slide a but when the traction gives out, than have too much and the car rolls. One can harden the springs and lower it, like a real car, but if the frame hits the ground during hard corners or even a fast straight, it can spin out and loose control, or worse.
Oh and as a side note, i watched a Youtube Pal of mine (just someone I only know through Youtube) do his first loops with his RC Heli. I have done all kinds of flips and especially loops in the sim. I am sure i could do it RL I just gotta nut up and try it. Anyway seing him pull it off is really making me want to get back into the hobby heavy again.