Aug 04, 2012 00:23
This is easier than updating. My attention span is shit.
A: Age: 26
B: Where I'm from: M-O-D-E-S-T-O, Modesto! It may be in California, but we are considered part of the Bible Belt. :-(
C: Where I would like to live: wherever I belong. I've thought about the East Coast, other parts of California (Bay Area!), or maybe...just some other country. I need to travel and find out what I'm really about, first.
D: Favourite food: protein-filled goodness.
E: Religion: On the record, Episcopalian (getting confirmed in October); off the record, spiritual atheist
F: Sexual orientation: not straight; I like the term queer, as I find it more encompassing, but I dunno. I like dudes and females/women, if that's what you mean. I've been giving my sexuality in general a lot of good questioning, and maybe you'll get a friend's only entry about it. but, only if you beg. which won't happen.
G: Single/taken: single --but, my faith in love is still devout
H: Favourite book: fiction: To Kill a Mockingbird (1961, Harper Lee); non-fiction: Khrushchev: The Man and His Era (2003, William Taubman)
I: Eye colour: Brown
J: Favourite movie: Network (1976), it's amazingly sad and always relevant
K: Favourite TV show: Golden Girls
L: Favourite band/singer: top-3 --you decide --Pink Floyd, The Smiths, Sleater-Kinney
M: Random fact about me: paper cuts send me into existential quandaries
N: Favorite day of the year: 7 April
O: Favourite colour: any colour you like
P: If I have any pets; if so, their names:
Q: What I'm listening to right now: of Montreal is my new passion, but I'm still usually listening to Wild Flag
R: Last movie I've watched: I rewatched Advise and Consent --brilliant! If I ever update my favourite movies list (last done in 2007), it'll definitely get added again. I feel like I need to get back to watching movies first, though.
S: What's my ringtone: the vast majority of the time, phone is on silent. otherwise, generic ringtone that comes with phone.
T: Favourite male character from a TV show: Archie Bunker
U: Favourite female character from a TV show: Dorothy Zbornak
V: What my name means: some stupid "what your name means" think I got from Disneyland years ago says Michael is a Hebrew name meaning "who is like God" I dunno. It's on a wall somewhere, but I haven't read it in a while. whoops.
W: Favourite superhero: I don't do superheroes. I just don't.
X: Celebrity crush: a tie between Carrie Brownstein and Morrissey. It would never happen, and it wouldn't look or sound right, but I'd just like to see them in a room together --with me, of course. Nothing sexy has to happen, as I'm pretty sure they wouldn't like me, but that's part of their appeal, too.
Y: My birthday: 5 June for birth; 7 April for non-birth
Z: Ever self-harmed: If overeating and smoking and drinking count, then...YES.