Unless you are truly dedicated to knowing me as a person (which you shouldn't), or have that much time to kill, ignore the last entry. It was verbal diarrhea. That being said, there are some highlights I would like to draw your attention to
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Number 2: I always try to thing of things in 3 ways. The body, mind, soul is really just an analog of the the father, the son, and the holy spirit, from Catholicism.
As far as Luther, Marx, and Hitler: I've been weighing in my mind a lot about the German language and culture and contributions to human thought. To put it briefly (if that is even possible!) I think these are (barring technological/scientific achievements) the contributors/creators/founders to three of the "big" ideas of modern (post-Renaissance) history:
Luther = Protestantism
Marx = Marxism
Hitler = Nazism.
I don't know how much more elaborate you'd like me to get; I think just mentioning those men and their ideas/philosophies is enough.The point is, really, can you imagine modern history sans-the Protestant movement? Or without Marxism? Or, especially for us less than 100 years away from it, without the horrific legacy of Hitler's Germany?
These contributions, incidentally, sort of go along with the "body, mind, soul" division:
Luther = Protestantism = soul
Marx = Marxism = mind
Hitler = Nazism = body
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