an outline of a major project

Dec 29, 2010 13:31

First, a question: Is Radiohead, arguably, the greatest band of the last 30 years? The only other "new" acts that come to mind as comparable are: The Smiths (of course); Nirvana; the Smashing Pumpkins; other acts you can think of? Most everyone else, either doesn't truly having staying power, didn't leave that big of a cultural impact, OR are a lesser band reflective of what this entry is about.

The working title for this project: Cultural Paradigms & The Relative Decline (1979-1982): The Rise of American Hegemony & The Polarization of Cultures (& Everything Else)

The following political events define that period and help introduce the "contemporary" era:
1. The Elections of Reagan and Thatcher (1979 & 1980)
2. Iranian Revolution (1979)
3. Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan (1979)
4. Election of a Polish Pope & Polish Solidarity (1978 & 1980)

Deaths that factor in a changing guard (in no particular order):
1. Tito (1980); beginning of the end for Jugoslavia
2. Elvis (1977); cultural impact; to be referenced in the introduction
3. Brezhnev (1982); like Tito's death, it would help indicate not only the end of an era, but the end of stagnation & beginnings of changes in the USSR
4. end of Led Zeppelin; another cultural note

a few notes:
Culture does not live in a vacuum
classic rock (1964-1977); rise of punk & disco
influence Watergate (1974); Democrats in '76
oil crisis of the early 1970s
where to begin? end with American mid-terms of '82
RESEARCH: economics and culture; considering widening scope: 1977-1984?

These thoughts have been brewing for a while. I've long felt Reagan was the bane of our existence (I even, as far as I know, coined this: R-O-N-A-L-D (6) W-I-L-S-O-N (6) R-E-A-G-A-N (6) = FUHRER (6) ADOLPH (6) (notice how you have to cheat with this spelling, however?) HITLER (6).) Also, the devil was supposed to assume a charming form; Reagan, though senile most of his later years, was rather "charming" and "the Great Communicator."

Cultural evidence that supports this notion: No Country for Old Men and their notion of 'the dismal tide.'

There is much more I could say, but I feel as if I've laid the groundwork for something grand. Something controversial. Something....original, for once.

afternoon, december, history, eastern europe, culture, wednesday, 1970s, russia, 29, radiohead, 1980s, reagan, economics, yugoslavia, politics, 2000s, 2010

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