and when I fell on the floor, I drank more #lyrics

Dec 29, 2010 07:49

Aside from eating, sleeping, talking, moving, and masturbation, there are few things that constitute a typical day for me. That being said, I've been known to get into patterns and ruts. Despite loathing ruts, I seem to do my best when I'm transitioning into one. It's pulling myself out of the ditch that I have the greatest difficulty.

I just read another disturbing piece on the food supply. I remember when I first read Fast Food Nation (Schlosser), and Water: The Fate of Our Most Precious Resource (Villiers) and how disturbing both were. But have I, on a personal level, done anything? Well, I did go vegetarian for a while, in an effort to eat less fast food. It only sort of worked. But have I done anything about water? Have you? I worry.

I worry about a lot of things. But, fundamentally, what I've always believed is really the world's number one problem: population control. How do we remedy it? Increase women's rights (on a global scale), do our best to reduce incidents of rape & violence against women (& children), and, above all, sexual education. These three things would liberate everyone; They are not the problem, but the solution.

The older I get, the more time passes, the more I mature, the more I am able to see the grand scope of history and synthesis everything I learned from Hartley to Kenez to recently. I know that sounds rather grandiose and pretentious and --above all -- vague, but it is the truth. The older I get the more I feel I understand U.S. history. Things make a lot more sense to me about not just the U.S., but Europe & the World & Russia. I still feel as if I have fundamental flaws and holes in my historical knowledge --mostly by a lack of knowledge of Asia and the Middle East. For, despite my college's requirement of 2 courses in "Asia & the Islamic World" (my courses were History 29: Histories of Traditional India and History 102: The Crusades) I have no grasp of anything beyond Russia. I did take a course on World History, and that really helped put things in perspective.

I never can see the forest for the trees. But, now that I've got years to reflect on everything, I can see it in greater perspective.

The more perspective I gain, however, the more I worry.

My anarchic life isn't conducive to much, at least not more than routine ruts. I guess what I'm saying is, I need to be more active and do more than just the minimum to keep the body functioning. Last night's entry really helped put things in perspective. I reread it this morning, and I must say, I liked it. I liked it a lot.

But I'm not writing to celebrate my writing. I've done that before. I'd rather have you praise my writing, anyways. Because, though my writing is largely for myself, it is also, by and large, for an audience.

I'll continue to educate myself. Right now, I'll do that by going upstairs, putting on some long-neglected cds, and reading a bit or so.

education, kenez, december, history, 29, santa cruz, art hartley, the smiths, 2010, ucsc, morning, food, wednesday, lyrics

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