...only the echoes of my mind. #lyrics

May 10, 2010 13:06

IntroductionA lot has been going on. Mostly, I've been busy growing up and dealing with the solitude of life.

On Politics As of late I have a job. I work for CalVoter as a canvasser. Basically, I am now a cog of the political system, working for the man, registering Democrats. That's right: I register Democrats. Mostly of my own volition. In all actuality, I would simply like to register any voter, Republican, Democrat, or Independent. BUT, I understand the workings of American politics and sincerely believe that the Democratic party, though highly imperfect and not always representative of anything, does a better job of representing the average person, John Q. Public, than the other party, the GOP. That's not to say I always support Democratic views, but to say, one has to be realistic. My views are much more in line with say, the Green Party or the Peace and Freedom Party. But, the older I get, the more I realise the best way to affect change IS to work within the confines of the system. PHEW.

True, I do feel defeatist and like I've betrayed some of my core values. But that, my friends, has been the story of my life since I turned 18 and entered the workforce. Life, it seems to me, is a highly inauthentic experience; life only seems authentic because we wish to cling to microcosms of sense, when the reality is we are lucky to have an inch of nonsense. I hope that made sense.

On School and the Future I took my CSET [California Subject Examination for Teachers] on Saturday, May 8th. I took mine in Spanish. My goal, my friends, is to be a high school Spanish teacher for the next decade or so. Between 2020 and 2025 or so, I hope to be moving on to the next phase in my life: back to school. That's right, I want to teach high school, for a limited period, while I basically gear myself up for returning to school, to hopefully complete a PhD in History. While teaching high school Spanish, provided I passed that pesky CSET, I hope to also get credentialed in Social Sciences [history is my true passion] and Russian [another passion]. For now, however, it is necessary to return to Latin America and my Hispanic roots.

I realise now why I couldn't have gone to graduate school right after high school, anyways: I simply was not sure what I wanted to study. to this day, all I know is I want a PhD with a concentration in history, perhaps historiography. But it changes, often. I used to want one in Slavic Languages and Literature. I used to want one in Russian history. In general European history. Now, I'm not so sure. History of Consciousness sounds good, if it'll even still be in existence when I want to apply to graduate school. I'm just not sure. I need to talk to a counselor of some sort.

I suppose that's all I wanted to say.

...yeah, it feels like someone's missing. #lyrics

life, afternoon, job, golden girls, may, 10, mgmt, monday, future, 2010, school

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