I dislike the holidays, but adore pizza

Dec 24, 2006 18:06

Pizza is an interesting food, to say the least. I'd like to see some academic research done on its impact as a food. Surely if the "American" hamburgers and hot dogs have received such treatment, the pizza has as well, right? Perhaps. I haven't seen any but I haven't looked, either.

I will go on record as saying pizza is a strong, social adhesive. I have only encountered one person in my life who dislikes pizza. The pizza has international appeal, can be made vegan, and is undoubtedly one of the UNhealthiest foods.

Pizza is the egalitarian food. Everyone can come together and share a pie. Try sharing anything else; few other foods exist that lend themselves to groups. True, one could argue desserts, but what of the poor diabetic? (Of course, pizza ain't good for diabetics either). As long as we're on the topic of desserts, there even exist dessert pizzas. And for sides? Bread sticks and salads, oh my. It also makes for a great leftover meal. Even its shape is suggestive; like life, like myself and countless millions of Americans, pizza is round. Circular, like life.

But why am I waxing intellect about pizza? Normally I'd be the Christmas grouch at this hour. In fact, I know I am. I already didn't go to one family get together ( I decided to stay home and be in bed instead). I had pizza instead of helping with tamales (in this regard I can only shrug and admit to being a bad son).

So, again, why am I waxing intellectual about pizza when I know I've hurt friends lately, and probably family today? Because, that's just the kind of person I am. I've noticed, however, that myself and others get mad at me for this. If a person knows something is wrong, why not fix it? Why?

Should we fix whatever we can? Logic and popular opinion seem to think so. Thus, why do problems persist? We know that the overeating and indulgence that has been going on for the past month is "wrong" --so why is anyone still doing it? Surely someone reading this knows of thanksgiving leftovers that were thrown out. And yet, the same amount of food is being made, or will be made tomorrow. Why?

People speak of togetherness, and family. But alcohol always proves divisive around this time of year. Suicide rates climb up.

I'm tired of fake caring. If you care about me, you'll care about me forever, not just when the calendar decrees. Also, I must be held accountable to such. If I care about you, dear reader, I should be willing to express that love in March or July or November, not just with material goods and excessive eats on or around December 25th. [for purposes of this entry, "on or around December 25th" includes thanksgiving and new years].

So what was I getting at? Oh yeah. Pizza. Fake caring. I know my family loves me. I believe I love them, presupposing I do know what love is and know how to express it.

Growing up, my family would regularly go to Pizza Hut. As I went to the same Pizza Hut today, and discussed it with my sister, my family honestly has photos in a particular pizza hut, multiple photos. Photos in different outfits, different pizzas, different angles, outside, inside, like we owned the place. Years of photos. On the one hand, this is quite sad. But on the other hand, there's that same love, that same overindulgence in food, and that same collective memory of countless pizzas that one has of the holidays.

I think that's what I was getting at. I'm not sure. I know that I'll be going bowling soon. It's free and holiday related. I'm going to wax nostalgia (I sure am waxing a lot today). From the ages of 13 to 17, I bowled on league. I stopped when my arm couldn't take it (I bowled incorrectly and thus have created a bad condition in my right arm) and when my interest waned. I miss bowling.

Memories are floating through my grease-filled head. At least my head isn't grease covered, as I showered just a moment ago. I wish I knew what my mind was repressing.

Also, I deleted some numbers from my cell phone.

I reread an email today. From January 11th of this year. Not much has changed, I'm afraid.

Oh, a storm is threatening my very life today. If I don't get some shelter, oh yeah I'm gonna fade away...

For the record, I am aware of the hypocrisy that can be read in this entry. Yes, my actions do not reflect anything written in this entry. But that's what the entry was about.

holiday, christmas, december, relationships, family, love, 25, society, pizza, food, 2006, 24, memories

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