The Day in tweets...
19:24 thinks Switch and DV8 are fucking bullshit. That's not real metal.
# 22:12 Photo: Image: Benjamin Lacombe # 22:13 Photo: Just let go of me. Image: Sarah Joncas # 22:21 Photo: My next and final facial piercing. # 22:38 Video: The first few minutes are weird as hell but the rest is cute/funny. # 23:32 @
MsLaudanum How weird! The place I am getting my piercing done is called "Third eye piercings".
# 23:32 @
MsLaudanum and by the place, I mean the parlour is caled "Third eye".
# 23:33 has finally retired her nine year old labret piercing. I got it for my 15th birthday nd it has eaten away my gums. I value my teeth, so bye.
# 23:33 so fucking depressed. I am one piercing down. Next Saturday I am getting my next one though. Yay!
# 23:36 Photo: # 23:36 Photo: # 10:10 is back into the cardio this week after being sick for a week.
# 10:10 loves her new pillow.
# 13:20 is going to start reading "The lover" today.
# 13:20 is off to her English lecture on Hamlet.
# 17:10 hates pretentious teenaged girls who think they know everything.
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