More Computer Issues

Sep 18, 2012 10:03

Okay, so the sound randomly stopped working on Sean's computer a couple of weeks ago. Well, it would work with Diablo 3 and nothing else.

Long story short, I determined that the sound works on the computer just fine EXCEPT for Youtube and certain other flash programs and games. Winamp works, installed games's only affecting Youtube (and some of the kids little online games.) Netflix works just fine as well.

However, Youtube and everything else works just fine on IE. I've reinstalled both Firefox and Chrome. I've deleted and reinstalled the flash player. I've run CC Cleaner. I'm at a loss to figure out what the heck is going on.

I'm running WinXP so I don't have that little Firefox audio button that all the web pages keep telling me to check.

I'm completely out of ideas. I hate using IE. It's a mess.

Any takers?
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