(no subject)

Jan 20, 2012 08:26

Saturday night: I had a very hard time getting to sleep. I slept about 5 hours before I had to get up to work all day on Sunday.

Sunday night: I couldn't sleep. I finally fell asleep around midnight. I woke up at 4 am and laid awake. I finally fell asleep at around 6:30. I woke up at 8:30 when my alarm went off so I could get ready for work.

Monday night: Went to sleep at midnight. I went to bed at 10:30, but I didn't fall asleep until midnight. I woke up again at around 4. (4 seems to be my magic awake hour.) I think I dozed off at 5:30, but my alarm goes off at 6:05 sooo...

I did manage to not fall asleep in class that day, so I was pretty happy about that.

Tuesday night: Bed by 10, asleep by 11:30ish. AND awake by 3. I fell asleep by 3:30, but I was up again by 4 or so. At 5, I said "Fuck It". I got up and made lunches, ironed clothes, made breakfast, etc before getting everyone up at 6. I wasn't TOO worried. I didn't have to go to work until noon that day. I could take a nap after I took Morgan to school. I climbed back in bed at 9. Worked at falling asleep. Sean called at 9:45 to ask me a question. I went to sleep at 10. My boss called me at 10:30 to ask if I wanted to go in early. There went my nap.

Wednesday night was pretty much the same scenario, except I think I slept even less. I know that when I got up in the morning and after I got the two youngest on the bus and Sean's stuff ready, I just sat on the edge of the bed and cried because I was so tired. I would have skipped school that day if I didn't have an appointment with one of my history professors scheduled.

Which brings us to last night. I'm desperate. I decide I'm going to take some of the melatonin I've got. In order for it to not mess me up completely, I have to go to bed before 10. Which I do. But I don't fall asleep. On no. I lay there and lay there. I finally fell asleep at around midnight. And I'm out. Until Ivan comes in at 2:30 and wakes me up because he's sick. It takes me an hour to get him settled. I'm awake. I did doze off for an hour, but that was it.

I'm stupid tired right now. I don't have anything I have to do but tons of homework on Saturday. Which wouldn't be a huge deal normally. Except I know my body and it's a creature of habit. Once I get in a habit of no sleep, it will stay that way. And it takes a long time to break it.

Especially since I already know that I stop sleeping about 2 months before the baby is born anyway.

I'm tired of being exhausted. And it's still the beginning of the semester.

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