The token once-in-a-blue-moon post. Woohoo!

Oct 01, 2009 03:33

blackheisei and I have finally finished settling into our new apartment.  We live together.  Dear god.  The world is doomed.
Or at least Mason, OH is.  I've already traumatized the power guy.  :P
As of yet... nothing too exciting.  
My computer is heavily infected with a virus (Didn't I just go through this, wtf?) and even after a reset to factory settings is only good for looking at jpegs and watching old animes burned to disk.  Which is a marked improvement from what it HAD been doing, so there you go.  ~_~
I'm getting really sick of having to replace my computer every three or four years, therefore I've finally broken down and decided that I will be buying a damn Mac.  
Dear god I can hear Meredeth laughing at me from here.
Although I haven't done it yet since I made an oath that I would only buy it after I made an equal amount at my new job.  Especially since I am the bank of this operation at the moment due to Jenny's weird job withholding her first paycheck until the end.  O.o;;
It won't be long, but still.  I'm dying, man.  I'm dying.
Hmm... rent, computer, rent, computer.  
Kitana would like to learn "poop!"  Kitana can only learn 4 moves.  Discard an old move?

Anyway, one of my friends gave me her old Gamecube and as a result, absolutely nothing of consequence is being accomplished in this apartment.  ^___^;;;
Jenny has been gaming with me by proxy; spending a surprisingly large amount of the time I spend gaming seated beside me, computer on lap, being players' guide slash peanut gallery and moral support as I nerd my way through Eternal Darkness, Resident Evil 4, and Resident Evil.  Mmmm yes zombies yessss.  :)

Things are finally settling down, in any case.
As soon as I get that new computer I will be back online with a vengeance for the first time in years.
Seriously, you guys will be sick of me.  XD

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