There iz an
evil muze that inspired me to write thiz evan evilar fanfic. It is a SOUTH PARK AND HARRY POTTER CROSSOVER!!!!!!! AHH NOT TEH CROZZOVER!!!! BUT YEZ!
Teh true deviance startz next chapter this iz just an intro. It took 2 long 2 write it iz too long 4 me I like 200 word carp!!!!! I might put it on later but right now I dont want to distract from my other work of art so it will juzt be here!!!
Chapter 1: WTF GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!
One dey everything was finee in South Park untal Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and
Kenny's parents all called tehm into a room together.
"Hello boys we have something to tellz u." Stan's mother said.
"What is that?" Stan asked.
"You might not believe this but you are magical people and are going to a
magical school to learn how 2 use magical powers that will help u with everything
u do." Kyle's mom said.
"WTF." said Cartman. "That is the stupadest theng I've evar heard."
"No it's true Eric you are magical 2." Cartman's mom said.
"And now you all get to go to a school in England." Stan's dad said.
"NO! NO!!! I DONT WANT TO GO THERE. I AM NOT GAY." Cartman said.
"Yes you are." Kyle said.
"Well I am not gay like them I am gay like an American!" Cartman saidz.
"Isn't it wonderfal Kenny?" Kenny's mom asked.
"FUCK NO!" Kenny saidz.
"I knew you'd be happey." Kenny's mom hugged him.
"PLZ DON'T SEND ME I'LL BE GOOD NOW I PROMIZE!!!" Kenny begged but later
the parents sent all four of them and dropped them off at the train station.
"We have 2 go 2 platform nine and three quatars." Kyle lookzed at his tickat.
"I dont see that platform!!!!!" Stan cried.
"Don't cry u baby it just means we dont have to go to Inglind now." Cartman
"Excuse me where iz the magical train?" Kenny azked someone.
"O teh magical train, just run into taht wall over their to get 2 it." the
man said 2 them.
"Thankz!!" Kenny saidz. "Come on guys we have to run into the wall."
"I am not running into teh wall! That iz stupid!!! Stupid like wanting to
move to Englande!" Cartman saidz.
But Kenny already ran into the wall and dissapeared. "OH MY GOD THEY KILLED
KENNY!11" Stan shoutedz.
"He is not dead Stan. He iz in magical land." Kyle said.
"That is as good as dead lets forget about him and leafe." Cartman said but
the other 2 ignored him and ran into the wall. He went 2.
They were on the magical train and were the only ones there because it went
to teh US before England. But then they found out they were not the only
onez there, there was one more boy from South Park there."
"Hello gents." Pip said.
"AHHHHHHH!!!" they all screamed.
"Do you have to be gay to get into this scool or something??" Kyle said.
"Dont be silly." Pip said.
"Yeah I am not gay." Kenny said.
"Whatever Kenny." the rest said.
"I am bisexual not gay!!1" Kenny said.
They all sat being board until the train came to England and a bunch of English
kidz got on. They went around to see what people were like and met a red
haired kid and a boy with black hair and glasses. THEYRE HARRY AND RON YEZ.
"Hi." the Americanz saidz.
"Oh, hello." Ron said. "Are you new students? We're Harry Weasley and Ron
"Wow." said Cartman. "We dontz care."
"Shut up we need to make friendz even if they are gay." Kyle said, and then
talkzed to Harry and Ron. "I'm Kyle and theze are my other friendz. American
"I dont likez Americans tehy made fun of me in elementary skool." Harry said.
"Shut up Harry lets show them how nice and polite we are." Ron said. "Hello
Kyle and Kyle's friends. I hope some of u get sorted into our house."
"WTF does that mean?" Cartman asked.
"Oh, are you muggle born too?" Ron azked.
"Yes, they are born gay." Kenny said.
"Um. Well. THERES HERMIONE AZK SOME1 ELSE." Harry and Ron went away.
"GET BACK HERE AND TELL UZ." Cartman yelled.
"Letz just go ask someone else."
"I dont care what they mean anyway."
"Kyle we have nothingz better 2 do." Stan said. So they went to another perzon
whoz name waz Colin who seemed even more gay than the lazt 2 but waz still
nice and told them all about the houzes and stuff.
"I just hope I'm not in the house with him!!! HE IZ WOARZE THAN PIP." Cartman
"Oh no! What if any of us end up having 2 share a dorm room with PIP????"
Kyle said.
"Dont worry Kyle something that terrible would nevar happen." Stan saidz.
"OK Stan thznx 4 calming me."
"O I do hope I am in a houze with my friendz from South Park!!" Pip said
after Colin explained it 2 him.
When they got to Hogwarts the boys whent with the first yearz and Hagrid
to fly in the magical boats. Every1 thought it was o so magical then Cartman
realized his gameboy adance wouldnt work with all teh magical magic around
and started 2 cry. And Kenny started to talk about how hot he thought one
of the girls waz. But standing next to them was the girlz brother and he
hit Kenny and knocked him off of teh boat.
"OH MY GOD!! HE KILLED KENNY!" Stan yelled.
"You BASTARD!!!" Kyle said.
"Now all thats left is our revenge againzt him!!" Cartman said.
"YEAH!! DIE!!!!!!!1" the boyz tried to push him off the boat.
"Thats enough of that, your friend iz fine." Hagrid said as he pulled Kenny
out of teh water.
"Yea." Kenny said shiveringz.
"DAMNIT!" Cartman said.
"Nice 2 c ur alive 2!!" Kenny said.
"Itz not that I just felt like killing some1 for fun."
"O we can do that later."
"Why arent ye waring yer hogwarts robez????" Hagrid azked Kenny.
"My family is poor we cant affards them." Kenny said.
"Pluz they look reallie gay!!!" Kenny said now that Hagrid waz not listening.
"HEY!!" Stan Kyle and Cartman said because tehy were all wering the gay robes.
They got 2 teh building and went 2 be sorted. They didnt pay attentin to
anyone else being sorted because they didnt give a damn about them and neithar
do I. Kyle was the first importent person to be sorted. He sat on the gay
bench and put on the hat.
"Hm.... Lets see heaar." teh hat said.
"Shit u talk???" Kyle azked.
"YEZ I muzt in order 2 tell u what house u r in. Only u can hear my thoughtz
though until I say. So thenk back 2 me."
"OK I have a queztion." Kyle thoughtz. "Do you sort by sexual preferance?"
"Actually I do but it iz an anciant secrat. So plz do not tell. It iz based
on the anicant founderz of hogwartz and their sexualitiez. But sometimez
I have 2 include other factarz 2 keep thingz balanced."
"OK whatever sinze u kno everyonez deepezt darkezt secrats can u tell me
if I am gay or str8???"
"U r gay."
"Yay that meanz I can have sex with... nevermind."
"So I will put u in the gay houze."
"Plz no!!!" Kyle thoughted but it was 2 late.
"GRRIFFINDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!" teh hat saidz. And Kyle went to sit with the gay
kidz he had seen be4.
Cartman waz next. He waz gay too but the magical hat could see he was more
evil than gay and put him in Slytherin, the evil bisexual house instead of
Griffindor, the good gay house. Then Pip was sorted into Griffindor. And
Kyle looked HORRORFIED until it was Stan's turn and he got put in Griffindor
2. Then Kenny waz the last of ppl I care about and he was put into Slytherin
for reazonz only eval disturbing fanfiction writerz and readerz understand
o and because he was bisexual.
Then they had a wonderfal feast and Stan and Kyle hugged each othar becauze
they were gay i mean afraid of their classmates. The other hogwarts boys
in their year were Pip and some other kid that no one cares about. Cartman
and Kenny the only Slytherin boyz their year ate a lot and didnt notice the
evil ppl staring at them like evil ppl.
"Excuse me!" Draco Malfoy teh evil boy said finally 2 get their attentan.
"what do u want??" Cartman asked.
"Arent u two muggle born???" he azked.
"What?" Cartman said. But Kenny remembared they had decided muggle born ment
"No juzt him I am bisexual." Kenny said. "But we r friendz anyway."
"O." Draco the sudden child molestar said. He decided that he waz lusting
after Kenny and to be nice to him and his friend. Well nizer than he waz
2 other people neway."Hello I'm Draco Malfoy itz nice 2 meeet u."
"Hi!" Kenny said and then they both kept eatingz.
Then they went up 2 their dorms and all went to sleep and it was the end
of the first day they were there!!! And I will pat TBC now becauze I thenk
this is enough shet for one chaptar.
Next time on HOGWARTS WTF teh nightmare continues and the boys from south
park except Pip duh cause a lot of troublez for the skool. What will hapin???
Will Draco act on his bad impulses??? Will Stan and Kyle start 2 hate Cartman
and Kenny sinze they are in the houzes taht hate each other?????? I dont
kno well I do BUT U DONT!!! Youll have 2 read my evilnezz 2 findz out. C
THANKZ FOR TECHING ME LJ CUT o and thiz might end up being long I HATE U EVIL MUZE!!!!
About ME and Harry Potter: OK SO I HAVE READ TEH BOOKZ!!! ALL FIVE OF THEM!!! LEAVE ME ALONEZ!! I have seen the movies 2, but they are pure crap and couldnt hold my attentin span past the first mininte and a half of the movie IT WAS PURE TORTURE AND WORZE THAN THE LORD OF THE RINGZ MOVIES!!! Thiz says a lot. But even tho LORD OF THE RINGZ movies were long and boring at least they had fighting and stuffz. Harry Potter moviez just sux a lot. BUT I HAVE READ THE BOOKS they aren't as bad. But I am not a Harry Potter nerd EXPART so dont come to me saying O ITZ A SORTING HAT NOT A MAGICAL HAT. BECAUZE IT IZ A MAGICAL HAT U STUPID SHIT. That iz all.