Like my sister, I dislike the thought of being without internet access over Thanksgiving break (limited dial-up at home). However, with my new Pretension Notebook, I have a whole new forum for expression! HAHAHA! Take that, haters of recorded history and pointless musings! You can't stop me and my rubber cement!
Jennings, feel free to shake your head sadly at this point.
This raises an interesting point: I do a lot of things that I know --and, in fact, that I announce-- are stupid/childish/offensive. But I do them in full knowledge that they're in general said adjective but still get enjoyment out of the specifics. It's nice to have a full journal of what-not to look back on in 40 years. It's worthwhile to me to collect comic books and play D&D and make fun of movies while I watch them with a group.
It's fun to be able to make racist jokes. It is; there's no denying it. There's an art to all humor, and if it's done well, it's funny, no matter what social mores you've bent or broken.
That said, I can scoff at myself doing all of these things and shake my head sadly with Jennings and say, "I know. It's stupid. Can you believe I'm actually doing this? I can't either. I'm a total idiot."
Then I can open up my Moleskine and make a note about it.
PS: The tag labeled 'h.i.o.m.i.a.c' is short for "Humor Is Often Misinterpreted In A Crisis"