Sometimes life just works

Jun 18, 2009 17:45

It just happened today looked like it was going to rain so Tetsu decided to make today a holiday and come with me to my Dr's appointment. He's been dying to actually see the baby on ultrasound. We went to the hospital, looked around the rooms, he got to ask the Doctor some questions he had and we got to watch Ponyo squiggle around like mad. I had a glucose blood test, so I had just drank a bottle of super sweet cider; sweet things makes babies bounce off the wall (or womb..)!

Then he asks "Since your husband is here, want to watch her in 3D/4D?"
Um... YES! I'm so glad I was the first appointment of the day... we watched Ponyo for over 10 minutes! It's amazing how cleary you can see the baby. They all commeneted that it looks like her nose is very "tall," so I guess she's got my nose =) The first picture looks just like Tetsu though, esp. the lips.. but the second looks like me. He was very amazed and excited, and so was I.

The lady who took my blood though... was horrible at it. I've never had a needle hurt so much! TWICE! My arms are both still so sore. It was nice to have Tetsu there though =) I'm glad he got to see Ponyo before she's out. 2 more months... almost everything is ready though!

What a cutie!

"Ponyo's house" as my friend reffered to me as lol

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