wow, i'm actually making use of this account.

Jul 22, 2009 23:26

Okay, so it's 11:13 p.m and the date is July 22, 2009.

This is my first entry on livejournal, and I am at a complete loss of what to write about. 
[i guess i'll make it a diary, geeze i feel like such a girly girl]

Dear Diary,

It's the summer, my favorite and most hated season of the year. It's fucken hot! I lack any and all activity to keep me occupied on my three month break from school. I miss my friends, hate the heat, and I'm pretty sure I'm about to kill over from an extreme case of boredom. My patience is wearing thin...the cause you may ask? It makes no sense for me to be so excited about the pending school year, but what else have I got to look forward to? Nothing that's what. So back to my decreasing patience, I'm waiting for my schedule for school to come in. Whatever I should be expecting to learn this year has been bugging my curious brain for a while now. But yet every time I look in the mail, my answer never seems to be in it. So here I sit waiting for my mail to arrive, and when it does, I'm pretty sure my building enthusiasm will all disappear and be replaced with anxiety and self-doubt. But none the less, I'll be excited regardless of what torturing subject I'll have to endure first because having something to do and bettering my future is a lot more productive then sitting around all day and watching tv and attempting to 'workout'.

Another piece of business that I soon have to tend to would be bowling tryouts. Ugh, though I don't feel nervous I'm pretty sure my freak out will occur sometime within the few hours before I actually arrive at place of tryouts. I haven't actually thought about what skills and techniques that you would actually have to consider when bowling, but I'm willing to take my chances and hope that I don't make a fool out of myself, though if I do I'm glad I'm not alone in this because my BFF! Kaitlin (Pothead) Chan will be joining me as we both go through tryouts together. But I know were going to make it fun no matter what, it will only ease our nerves that we keep complaining about ever since we heard about the pending tryouts.

Well nothing else has come to mind at the moment, so I guess that will end my little release session for the day/week/month/hour or whatever. I guess I'll write whenever something comes to mind or when something happens and I'll want to write about it. So I guess i'll bid adieu for now.

~K.J Casey

first post ever

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