Mar 09, 2005 13:58
Ok, so let's start from the begining. Yesturday I went outside, perfectly normal to meet Koryn and Shea, and the rest of my house sisters because we had to walk home. So, we go over to Tiffany(HS) and were talkin gabout her major headache. All of the sudden this guy comes up to Tiffany's friend Josh and says "I heard you wanna fight me", and Josh says, "No, I never said that, but if I have to I will." So then, all hell breaks loose. They start fighting like...crazy, and Tiffany kept saying stop, so they got right next to me, and I was like oh-shit. So I try to move and when I did I was like "Guys, Stop" and, the guy looked at me, and punched me in my face. So all day today there has been so much crap, and Some guys that Tiffany hangs out with, won't let me, Koryn, Tiffany, ANd Shea walk alone, because all of this guys "gang" wants to fight us, Well, that's what we were told. When I got back to Girls Ranch last night, I had to tell my case manager about this
and she wouldn't let me tell my mom. I want to tell my mom because I know that if she hears about this, she'll pull me out of the program. But, why would I stay at a place where I am scared shitless. We are supposed to be in a positive environment because of the situations the girls ranch girls are in. So, this week at my perent meeting, I'm going to tell my mom, and I hope she pulls me from the program. If everyone in a gang, was watching you and the people you hang out with, would you be scared? Ya, thought so. Especially since I'm a new girl, I live in Girls Ranch, I'm white, and I'm preppy. Every reason for someone to hate me. So, I called David today, right beofre a bunch of them came up to me, and I told him how I got punched, and he didn't even care. I was like woah, thanks. LOL. I know he was just confused. And he was like, "Lacey, you're hanging out with the wrong people." and I was like, "Umm, I'm hanging out with people I know." LOL, he's so cute! Anyways, I'm going to get all the mexicans from our school, lol, only if I die, then I leave this message for you to tell them! HEHE. Ya, but I thought David would take it differently, but, oh-well. Ok, well that was my story of the Day! I love you all! I love you David!!!!!!*Tiss TIss*