Mar 08, 2005 14:05
.....I'll let you lick the lolly pop! LOL, I have that song STUCK in my head! I miss everyone so freakin' much! I don't get to go home for spring break, but me and Koryn are thinking about running away for that week, should I? I don't really care if she does or doesn't, but I'm so bored and being in the house makes me feel like....IDK. OMG, we had to volunteer at the old peoples home, and play BINGO with them, and Trish(our old house mom who SHOULD be in the old peoples home) told us to stop talking to them,(because we were harassing this lady, cuz she doesn't speak english and all she says is"I DONO". HEHE. So then when she said that, we were like, "WHAT? WHY?" And then the guy I was helping just blurts out "Sounds like a jail to me!" We were like, ugh, YES! It was quite funny actually. YAY, I talked to Kelsey last night, and David, BUT KELSEY! I miss her so much. ANd Annie too. I was going to call ANnie, but I needed to call David before the phone dies cuz we jacked this guys phone to take with us, and Me, Koryn, and Shea all wanted to use it with only to bars left. SO, I didn't tlak to her long, but, I talked to her and I was so excited! Next time we kack a phone, I get to call Annie, and of course David(that's a given) Joey hada party? That's crap, I'm mad. I feel so.....gone? Idk if that's the word, but I feel ( )
Anyways, I'm plotting how I'm going to run away in May if my mom doesn't pull me from the program. But, I can't tell you how!!! Except David, cuz he's apart of it, unless he says no and he doesn't want to be. If he says no though, that sucks, cuz we would be going on a little rode trip! YAY! Rode Trip! HEHE, I watched that movie last night. Last night was so funny, I have to tell you. After the phone died on David, I was all sappy and teary right. And so was Shea. So we went out into the kitchen and were laughing and stuff, and I saw that Tiffany had made a cake for me! Well, she said it was for me cuz I was sad. But it was chocolate with powdered sugar! YUMMY IN MY Tummy! So, I cut off a peice, for me, and Brooke eats it. Thanks Brooke. So them, Shea comes out and yells, IT WORKS(the phone) SO i get up and Koryn starts laughing at me, and I didn't know why, but then, I turn around and Shea takes my cake out of my hands, shoves it into her mouth, and then DRAGS me to her room, throws the phone at me, then leaves and gets me some more cake. 2 peices I tried to get until I finally got my cake! But, then i didn't eat it, cuz, I don't like chocolate cake that much. It looked really good though. Ok well I'm a total loser, so I'm going to go now. Love you all! Thank you and goodnight!*Tiss Tiss David*
Love Always, Lacey
David Is The Bestest Best Person In The World, and I can't WAIT to see him soon! Be good David, and Son't die on me!!!!!!*I Love You*
...It's 4 o'clock in the morning, and I still can't sleep!