Nov 22, 2005 23:09
listening to ryan adams, love is hell, reminds me of this time last year and those are some damn good memories. i'm glad thanksgiving is thursday and even more glad about the break from school for a few days. i got like 3 really good test grades a couple of weeks ago then i slacked of the weeks after thinking i knew all the material and now im stumbling to get back in that 'i understand everything' groove.
speaking of groove, im trying to teach myself this wicked paul simon bass line, that one in 'call me al', with chevy chase in the video. it's hard to play but maybe thats cuz i suck at playing anything fast and constant.
im really diggin rilo kiley right now.
i'm pretty stressed about booking this spring break tour for soma, im trying to get 9 days back to back and i got about one down so far and the rest are just kinda like, 'give me a call 2 months from now and i'll let you know' type deals. im also stressed about actually affording this shit... van rental, 'safety' gas money, redo merch, etc.
that leads me into another topic, i know alot of dudes probably think we're assholes because we only play if we're paid but c'mon? we've done how many birthday shows in the past few months? like 3 or 4 maybe? granted all these dudes are friends and are good people but what do they need money for? we need a PA, new rig for michael, hard shell drum cases, merch, gas/van money, bigger rack case for me, emergency repair for someones amp and tube money, drug money, stripper tip money, etc. that's my rant. sorry about that im sleepy.