(no subject)

Feb 24, 2006 01:54

There IS actually a survey I haven't done...

A - Available?: Negatory.
A - Age: 21. Finally legal.
A - Annoyance: Myself lately.

B - Best Friend?: My sister. Kristen. Rachael. Tiff. Mel. I don't know anymore - I lost a lot of faith in people after Vanessa turned out to be a cum sucking dirtbag whore. Oh, and a republican.
B - Bar: Tunnel Bar (not that I ever go there), but Bentley's is growing on me.
B - Birthday? October 13. Libra, and it shows.

C - Crush: No one you know, so neveryoumind.
C - Car: 1995 Mazda 626. Green. New stereo/speakers. I call him Kensington.
C - Cat: I'm not a big cat person.

D - Dead Pets Name: I never had a pet that died other than fish... and once I named them I couldn't keep track of who was who, so I eventually forgot their names.
D - Dad's Name: Larry. Or Ernest. You pick, I'm tired.
D - Dog: My parents have a dog: Molly.

E - Easiest person to talk to: Kristen. Sometimes Rachael. Jen Fortin too, when I actually see her.
E - Eggs: Poached.
E - E-mail: Three: school for that stuff, gmail for other stuff, and hotmail for junkmail.

F - Favorite Colors: Blue. Purple. Green. And others. I like colors.
F - Food: Mexican. I can't help it. I'm addicted. (Kristen - I had Veracruzana tonight and thought of you!)
F - Foreign Slang: Bendejo. Penche cabrone. I can't spell it, I just utter it under my breath.

G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Either. Worms are funner.
G - God: likes to fuck with me.
G - Good Time: I had a good time dancing with the girls. And dancing on stage last night.

H - Hair Color: now? Kind of a reddish. Naturally brownish, but it varies.
H - Height: 5'9"
H - Happy: Define happy.

I - Ice Cream: Is what I had tonight for the first time in a LONG time... what? You want the flavor? Fudge Ripple in Vanilla. My favorite: Mint ChocoChip with a little bit of milk.
I - Instrument: I have a guitar. Not to be confused with I play the guitar.
I - Idol: Makes me think of American Idol, and I HATE Simon... he's cocky. I hate cocky people. I have no idols.

J - Jewelry: Yea, that's cool. I'm wearing two rings bought for me by different people: Kristen & Ben. Bracelets I made myself, plus one that was given to me in the tenth grade (it's silver). Earrings, only the diamonds Chris bought me since ANY others infect my ears, and if I don't wear them, they close up... plus my cartilage hoop - but I never take that out. Oh, but I took out my eyebrow ring. I'm hoping the scar at least somewhat heals by the wedding.
J - Job: Fucken WMUA. I'm looking for another one tho. So far, Big Y and Lucky's in Noho is hiring... I think I'd have to put my eyebrow ring back in for that though.
J - Jokes: Why do men become smarter during sex? Because they are plugged into a genius. ...Although my all-time favorite joke is either the black school bus or the cheese one, but they're both really dumb. (Like the sex one wasn't).

L - Longest Car Ride: Seven hours down to Philly once when I took a wrong turn. Or, 8 hours down to LA when I was like, 5.
L - Laughing: Other people's laugh when they hear me.
L - Last Person You Spoke to on the Phone: Rachael, last night on Jen's (not Fortin) phone to tell her to get her ass to the FAC.

M - Milk Flavor: Chocolate. Or... non-flavored. Flavor?? Really?
M - Mother's Name: Mary Katherine
M - Movie Last Watched: Sweet Home Alabama. I adore that movie.

N - Number of Siblings: two half, four step. I'm the youngest. Yay me.
N - Northern or Southern: NORTHERN... especially Cali. NOR*CAL bitches!
N - Name: (things people have legit called me) Katie, Katers, Kate, Kates, KDiggity (I went by that for a while), KateTheGreat, KTBear, George (it was in highschool, and only for one class for a semester... but the teacher even called me George), Walsh, Miss Walsh, KatyDid, Fucker (lovingly), Goose (to Kristen's Maverick), TweedleDee (again, in HS, with Deanna), Kat, Cali-Kate (Mel's mom), Cuz, Sisser, Dude, Hey You, and my personal favorite... Shithead. (Thank you, Mom.)

O - One wish?: To have this feeling leave me forever.
O - One phobia? Loss of self... either mental, emotional or physical.
O - Otter Pop: Why were ONLY the purples ones left, and why did they not pack more green or blue ones in the boxes?! Honestly... kids want the blue and green and even red ones... not the stupid purple and orange ones!!! (Kristen - they're popsicles... don't you fucken work in a GROCERY STORE?! How do you not know what otter pops are?! They're like a staple of American childhood... you fucken commie.)

P - Parents: They're cool now. One sucks, but he doesn't even know it, so what's it matter?
P - Part of your appearance that you like best: Sometimes hair, sometimes lips when they're not chapped.
P - Part of your personality you like best: People tell me I'm funny. I do tend to laugh at everything. I don't know, I'm not too big on myself at this point in time.

Q - Quote: "serenity overcomes the confusion, and hope becomes stronger." -or- "to love yourself, you have to love yourself..." HAHAHAHAHA... there's a story behind that one though. The first one's just a quote I've grown with.
Q - Question for the next person: If we sat down to coffee/lunch together, what kinds of things would we talk about?
(ps... where does the next person answer this question???... I'm answering what was here, at the bottom)

Q - Quick or Slow?: Depends on what it is. Quick: writing, driving, typing, peeing... I have no patience for these things. Slow: painting, a glass of wine, reading, rocking a child to sleep... these things take time. Sex? Well, that depends too.

R - Reason to smile: Garrett and LaurenKate. Dylan... depends on his mood.
R - Reality TV Show: Dancing with the Stars, but I really don't even know what day its on, it's just the only one I can tolerate.
R - Right or Left: Right, most of the time.

S - Song Last Heard: Something in Ben's car on the radio but I can't remember. I have Lenny Kravitz's "Where are we runnin'?" in my head though.
S - Season: Summer to Fall.
S - Sex/gender: Female/Female

T - Time you woke up: about 11:15 today.
T - Time Now: 1:35am
T - Time for bed: When I get tired... which doesn't happen a lot.

U - Unknown Fact about me: I prefer my alcohol cold. As does my sister, as we found out.
U - Unicorns: make me think of Tiffany... don't ask why - I have no idea.
U - U : umbrella? unisex? Unisex bathrooms? Yea, I think those are fine, as long as the toilets have stalls. Then, who cares? Unless you're taking a dump... men dumps are far worse than women dumps.

V - Vegetable you hate: cauliflower. I refuse to eat it. It's albino broccoli.
V - Vegetable you love: green beans. corn, especially on the cob.
V - View on Politics: I'm the first to admit I don't know as much as I should, or to even make a valid point in an argument, but I'm not a fan of Bush, I'm not a fan of America right now, and I don't believe our government is doing what our government was FORMED to do. This country is too big, with too many "American dreamers" to categorize together and assume we (or a majority) can agree on anything. Also, I'm not above thinking our government's got a serious hidden society out there... a little conspiracy theory, but not enough [of my own] heart to really make it plausible or even dangerous [for myself].

W - Worst Habits: Cutting people off in the middle of their stories. (I try to apologize and always go back to it tho...)
W - What do you wanna be when you grow up: Wealthy. Hell, I'll settle for out of poverty.
W - Where are you traveling to next? Amherst tomorrow night for Jen Fortin's birthday!!! Beyond that, hell if I know.

X - X-Rated Porn: Is there G or PG rated porn?! PG-13?
X - XZIBIT: Yea, I couldn't name anything he's done.

Y - Year you were born: 1984
Y - Year it is now: 2042
Y - Yellow: Card! "There's a place off ocean avenue, where I used to sit and talk to you..." Blast from the past. I heart that song - it makes me feel all emo and alternarockerish.

Z - Zoo Animal: Elephants. Even though they're all big and smelly... there's something so personal about them. Giant beings. Oooh... or giraffes. I like big animals.
Z - Zodiac: Libra... and it shows. (I already said that up there).
Z - ZZZZZ: I don't sleep. That's just how I roll.

The show was good last night, though we had an AWFUL turn out. Like... bad. Worst in the history of UPC as I know it... we rented out the FAC and only sold like, 70 tickets. The bands (most members) were nice though, especially Big Sam, who pulled everyone up to the stage to dance for the last song. He singled people out (myself and Rachael included... might I add that Rach was also the FIRST person on stage) and threw us beads. I felt the love. I ended up seeing Jen, Ben Nathan, and Emma too - unexpectedly. It was chill, but the turn out really brought us down. Especially since we've tried promoting this show really hard. Well, most of us.
Speaking of UPC - Tiff. A little drama for you. There's this new girl - stupid freshman bitch... who has had several run-ins with different people... myself included. Wish you were there to gossip with us... I feel like it's my weekly dose of highschool... which I'm glad to say I'm very much outgrowing. Anyway, she's a whore, and I thought you'd like to know.

That is all. I'm off to watch countless episodes of... well, you know. And to try to sleep.
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