(no subject)

Feb 16, 2006 22:29

What is it about questionnaires...? This one is taken from umassbluangel from a few days ago. I think. I dunno,
50 Things You'd Like to Know About Me but Never Thought to Ask

1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? No, but I've been read my Mirandas.
2. Do you close your eyes on roller coasters? Sometimes cause it's more of a rush, but then so is seeing how high you are.
3. When's the last time you've been sleigh riding? Oh god... YEARS ago when I went with Aleta and ripped my pants, hahaha.
4.Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? Oddly enough... with someone else at night, but alone in the morning. I just get better rest that way.
5. Do you believe in ghosts? Most of the time.
6. What's your 'Dirty Little Secret'? It's not too much of a secret, and it's not true anymore.
7. Do you think O.J. killed his wife? HAHAHA. Yes.
8. Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? OMG WHO CARES ABOUT BRAD?! Jen looks better with him and they should have stayed together, but Angie is a goddess. I love her.
9. Can you honestly say you know ANYTHING about politics? Enough, but my interest is growing.
10. Do you know how to play poker? I'd need a reminder.
11. Have you ever stayed up for 48 hours? Oh yes.
12. Do you kill bugs that are in the house? I hate bugs. If anyone else is there, I make them kill it, but if no one else is and I can't sleep, then I will. I hate the crunch.
13. Have you ever cheated on a test? Honestly now... who hasn't? Nothing important tho.
14. If you're driving in the middle of the night, and no one is around..do you go through red lights? I have before, but not usually.
15. Do you have a secret that no one knows but you? I've just recently been informed of a family secret, but I'm not the ONLY one who knows. Obviously someone else does.
16. Boston Red Sox or New York Yankees? Sox. Yankees suck no matter where you're from.
17. Have you ever Ice Skated? The last time I went ice skating was the day I lost my virginity. No joke. I had only been once before that.
18. How often do you remember your dreams? Each morning, but sometimes I lose them afterwards.
19. When was the last time you laughed so hard you were crying? Haha, not that long ago, with Ben. Usually everytime I see Kristen and we go "You gonna die!"
20. Can you name 5 songs by The Beatles? Hey Jude, Yesterday, Eleanor Rigby, There Are Places I Remember, Come Together, All You Need Is Love, So Happy Together, Let It Be, Here Comes the Sun, Revolution, Love Me Do... etc.
22. Do you believe in love at first sight? Oh god yes. The only thing is that if you want it to go anywhere, you gotta look again. That can ruin things.
23. Do you know who Ba-Ba-Booey is? Should I? I know who Boo Radley is.
24. Do you always wear your seat belt? Pretty much. It's the cool thing to do. Click it or ticket sucker.
25. What talent do you wish you had? Ballroom dancing. Any formal dance training. I wish I were AMAZING at one sport instead of being okay at many. I could stand to learn how to play my acoustic. Or anything musical. DRUMS!
26. Do you like Susie? She seems nice, but I think she prefers to be called Susan.
27. Have you ever narrowly avoided a fatal accident? Probably.
28. What do you wear to bed? Usually sweatpants and a tanktop. Never socks. And in the summer, shorts.
29. Have you ever been caught stealing? No, but I was with Vanessa when she got caught. She got out of it tho.
30. Does size matter? Cha. Duh. Size matters... but it's not THE ONLY thing that matters. You gotta know how to use it. But size can definitely help, lemme tell you.
31. Do you truly hate anyone? Not anymore. I can't hold onto things THAT long.
32. Rock and Roll or Rap? Cha. Rock.
33. If you could sleep with one famous person, who would it be? Male: Joshua Jackson, don't even ask. There's something so boy-next-door about him that would just be wonderful in bed. Female: Angelina or Scarlett Johannson. You know the bad girls are the best. And the lips! Don't get me started.
34. Do you have a relative in prison? Cha, I have like 4.
35. Have you ever sang in front of the mirror like your favorite singer? I would start to, but the sight would make me look away. Watching people sing... not all that attractive. Listening to them... much different.
36. Do you know how to play chess? I used to.
37. What food do you find disgusting? Some mushy indian food. Peas. Cauliflower. Menudo, ew. Overcooked asparagus. Uck.
38. Did you ever skip class? Yep!! At least 3x a semester here, and maybe once ever in highschool.
39. Have you ever made fun of your friends behind thier back? I'm sure. We were all 13 at one point... we ALL did this.
40. Have you ever stood up for someone you hardly knew? Yes.
41. Have you ever been punched in the face? Once on accident. It wasn't hard. I hit some guy in the face tho... multiple times. Does that count?
42. When is the last time you threw up from drinking too much? I've only done it TWICE ever - and it was the only times I've thrown up in like, 12 years. Once was the first ever time I got drunk - summer after senior year, and another was after I drank over half a bottle of 99Blackberries to myself... with cran juice. It wasn't pretty. At least I made it outside.
43. Have you ever walked out on a movie at the theater? Yes! Last summer, cause I didn't know Batman Begins was going to be that scary. (I was with my girls who were 4 & 6). I went back and saw it later, and loved it. Except for Katie Holmes... she's CLEARLY never done any hallucinogens.
44. Do you ever sit through a bad movie, just to see how bad it is? Um, three words. Punch Drunk Love. HATED IT.
45. Would you consider yourself obsessed with anything/anyone? hahahahaha. Those who know me... (gg!)
46. Have you ever met someone famous that you really wanted to meet? Sara from Tegan and Sara. And Howie Day. Does that count?
47. Have you ever been stood up? Mmmm I don't think so. I could be wrong, but obviously it wasn't important enough to remember. I did THINK I got stood up twice tho - one was a drunken misunderstanding/bad cell connection, the other, he actually came, but I wasn't there in time... oops.
48. When's the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs? Sometime in the last year.
49. Did you ever do something that you didn't want to, but did it just to fit in? Yep. Again, who hasn't?
50. Was this fun? Meh. It was time consuming - the key objective in procrastination.

I don't know what it is about answering surveys/questionnaires. People always do it, there's always a desire to... you just never think anyone will read them. And it really doesn't matter... cause I'm sure someone reads 'em, and I know I read them... but it's the whole thing like, people EXPECT others really want to know all these things about them. So guys - if you don't wanna read, I'm all for that. If you do, I'm for that too. Whatever mah bebies.

I'm feeling more than boring lately. Pudgey and boring maybe. I don't know. These men on TV that can do all these amazing things on ice skates... all wear the creepiest clothing. I'm sorry... it's creepy when a guy wears spandex and shiny material and sequence.
And, ok... the guy figure skating on TV right now (olympics) looks CREEPILY like the little kid from Who's the Boss... I forget his name.
And I HATE THE ANNOUNCERS... nothing they say is ever right or even corresponding to how WELL the skater/olympian actually does! I want to smack them all. Hello... yea, I can see the triple lutz thing... I saw the guy spin it. Stop talking.

Ugh, I don't know why I'm so annoyed with things. Period talk. Rambling. Sorry. I'm out.
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