(no subject)

Jan 30, 2006 02:40

"What I did on my Winter Vacation" by Kate Walsh.

Here we go again... another picture post, where I get to tell a cute little story involving pictures and pretend that you, my lovely readers, give a damn about my kiddies or what I did in California or what I did for Christmas. Oh, the joy.

Christmas was spent on this cold, snowy coast. Ben and I went to his hometown and stayed with his mom here:

We also visited his dad and I got to meet a LOT of his family. It was nice, overall... and I enjoyed myself despite my first Christmas away from home.

A road near/in his hometown... he loves the space of it all. To me, they all looked the same.

Oh, and of course... what trip to Penn Yan would be complete without the Menonites/Amish dwellers?

After that, we walked all the way to California. It was a long trip, but it was worth it cause I got to see my fam this time.
Ben made instant friends with GMan... who, after Ben drew an apple, decided to show off his undeveloped motor skills with random lines on scratch paper.

Garrett was in heaven.
But then, like any 2 year old, Garrett got bored and left Ben to play with his new PlayDoh.

Don't fuck with his PlayDoh. He's hardcore about that shit.

Oh, but wait. Let us not forget the little hussie who tried to move in on my man... Little miss Lauren Kate decided she loved Benjamin more than anyone in the house, and wouldn't spend any time with anyone but him (save for Anna of course). Every day we spent at my sisters, LaLa was all over Ben, and little miss fussy was never fussy with him around.

It was love at first sight. (She literally went straight for him the MOMENT we got there.)

However, since she's 25 years younger than he, I won out by default. But I think she got to Ben anyway, judging by his MySpace picture.
Alas, we moved on to my boring house in cowtown... which of course gave us no interesting pictures (we didn't bother taking any) except for this one of the frigid orchards behind the track houses:

I mean, it WAS a California winter.

A day or so later, it was over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go...

We passed the casino that my mother and I later went to where I won some $200. Go me!
Oh yea, my grandma is the shit.

From Coarsegold/Oakhurst we went to Yosemite and took many obligatory pictures, including:

and this one of Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls:

and looks like I'm going to have to stop this entry since Ben's all pissed off at me now.
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