May 28, 2006 20:05
Today has been one of the most boring days I've had in a long time. I thought by this time of night it would be less boring, however, my phone isn't ringing!
Wine drinkers -- I do not recommend Ernest and Julio Gallo Sierra Valley California Cabernet Sauvignon. Every sip takes an absurd amount of effort to force down my throat. Very unimpressive! When two people who like wine are sharing a bottle and playing a very effective drinking boardgame, but the bottle still ends up being half full the next day, you know there's a problem.
Spent the week at a cottage by Charleston Lake celebrating forgetting Scott's 30th birthday. Fun filled, from scary murderers in bathrooms, smacking people in the head while toasting (resulting in much laughter and some spilled booze), s'mores, jumping in freezing cold water, epic boat adventures, climbing Blue Mountain (or Mntn), sing-a-longs, gaseous boys, visits to the Nichol farm, losing at Hotel, people turning green, naps by the fire, hammocks, crokinole...and so on and so forth. And more cottages to come, at least I'm hoping!
Ring ring?