Single dads and babysitters [prompt #30]

Mar 02, 2015 02:47

Title: Single dads and babysitters
Prompt: #30
Length: 5800+ words
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: cursing
Summary: Wu fan is a hot single dad and yixing babysits his son
Notes: none

wu fan sits sehun down in the high chair with great difficulty. when wu fan's about to pull away from sehun; seuhn latches onto wu fan's short collar and pulls on it. wu fan secures his larger hands around sehun's wrists and pry them off of him.

he half expects sehun to cry; sehun always cries when things didn't go his way. but, sehun's still sitting emotionless in his high chair. suddenly he breaks out into a grin and giggles some incomprehensible words in his own langauge.

wu fan grins, extremeley proud because for the first time in forever, sehun didn't cry in the morning. wu fan reached out and pinched sehun's squishy right cheek and cooed, "who's a good boy for daddy, hm," sehun tried to stifle a laugh at his dad's absurd behavior, but eventually ended up in a hysterical fit of innocent giggles.

"be careful, sehun, you'll throw up all your food if you laugh too much," wu fan warned, but the threat lacked any real heat. sehun, going against wu fan's caution, errupted in another fit of giggles.

suddenly, sehun stopped giggling and had a look of guilt across his face. wu fan is concerned because why has sehun stopped laughing? then it happens, before wu fan can even process what's happening, much less to take cover, sehun quickly vomits all of his baby food, squashed peas and carrots to be exact, onto wu fan's face and shirt.

wu fan blinks once, twice, three times before he finally understands what happened. the smell hits him first. the undeniable stench of squashed peas and carrots post-vomit brings a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose closed.

sehun's pouting now, he owns a look of guilt masked with dejection. wu fan sighs heavily and hangs his head down, his hands drop from to his sides, and wu fan is almost near tears.

noticing his father's tired appearance, sehun babbles comforting noises into the atmosphere. wu fan realises sehun is a baby, sehun can't help much aything of what he does.

so, he cleans up all the vomit, sets sehun in his bed, and calls his friend, lu han. he answers after the third ring.

"hey, xiao lu, i need a favor," wu fan asks, playing the the brim of his shirt collar.

"okay, one, don't call me that and two, what exactly is this favor?" wu fan gulps now, knowing what he's about to ask lu han is bound to be failure.

"can you babysit sehun for me? and before you say anthing, it's only for one month and...and i'll pay you however much you need. just please, i can't keep doing this on my own." he knows lu han hates children, especially sehun, they seem to completely repell each other. minseok, luhan's husband, on the other hand can't get enough of sehun. he would have asked minseok first, but minseok has an actual job unlike luhan.

"wu fan, that's un realistic. sehun and i don't get along with each other, plus, i don't know the first thing about taking care of another human being seeing as i can;t even take care of myself. on top of that, what's gonna happen after one month, huh? don't you still need someone to take care of sehun after that?" all excellent points, wu fan thinks, but he still knows he can counter lu han. he is a lawyer afterall.

"no, no, i've got it all figured out. i'll be looking for a permemant sitter to watch sehun this month, and you won't have to do much. just stay for my office hours, it'll be easy yeah? sehun'll be sleeping during this time so you won't have much to do, how about it?"

"wu fan, i can't." lu han counters adamently. honestly by now, he'd have thought lu han would've caved in for the extra cash, but he's being strangely stubborn.

"why, luhan?"

“wu fan, i've a job now. I'm bus-,” right before he could finish his sentence, wu fan butted in with an incredulous, “you have a what?!”

“i've a job, like a real job that pays me money to do work.”

“yes, well yeah, i know what a job is, but i'm just surprised since you never told me,” wu fan replied with an amused smirk contoured on his face.

“we're best friends, fan, god! You make it sound like we're dating. I swear one of these days, minseok is going to crack if you keep up with this.” wu fan can hear minseok's soft 'no i won't, fan ge's my friend' on the other side of the line. He's assuming lu han's scowling now, which he also makes sure to tell lu han how ugly he looks when scowling.

“lu han, bro, please, man, come on! Bro's for like, ever, am i right?” lu han's scowl goes even deeper at wu fan's butchering of slang. Wu fan, although, seems pretty content with his newly mastered mandarin slang.

“okay, never repeat those words, ever, got it?”

“okay, i understand, but i'm really needing the help, han. Do you know anyone who's willing to babysit?” now wu fan can hear lu han's sigh. It means he's thinking, he's probably got a friend from college, or whatever, that could help.

Lu han's always been ten times more social than the average person. Compared to a hermit like wu fan, one hundred times more social would be befitting. For this reason, he's had many friends who've owed him favor from the years past. There had to be at least one person lu han could blackmail into babysitting sehun.

Lu han finally answers again, “hey, i think i've got a kid. I'm not sure but give me hmm about fifteen minutes and i'll get back to you, deal?”

wu fan sighs a hopeful one. He's basically all set, he just now needs to make sure if he can actually trust this person who'll be babysitting sehun. Wu fan thanks lu han, and after bidding good bye, he goes to sehun.

Sehun's still in his bed, now fast asleep, and wu fan can't find it in his heart to be mad at sehun. Not like this, no. Sehun seems calm and happy. Happy, something wu fan hadn't been in a long time. Not since before sehun.

At the memories, wu fan visibly grimaces. His head suddenly throbs, and he grips the wall next to him to keep still.

Now wu fan's phone is ringing and he crosses the hallway to answer it. Lu han, he suspects.

“okay, i better get like, all the money you own since i'm doing this for you.” lu han's voice starts off. He sounds slightly out of breath, from laughter. Wu fan's grinning now, “thanks, lu ge, i knew you'd come around. Can you come over now?”

“uh, wu fan, i said i've got a kid. I'm not going to be coming over. Zhang Yixing is.” realisation springs into wu fan, but then also, oh.

“wait, zhang yixing? As in the chinese zhang yixing with the dimple and all?” wu fan questions nervously. Zhang yixing is, to say in the least, memories. Memories he'd rather not remember, not now.

“um there's only one zhang yixing we knew in college, so yeah, that one. Why? Is that a problem?”

“no, no problem, just...,” wu fan trails off, not knowing what to say. The real reason why wu fan was so anal about zhang yixing was because he wasn't the nicest person to him back in college. It wasn't the low key shitting college kids do to each other, but wu fan was just a plain dickwad back then. Lu han can account for that.

“wu fan, the kid's nice. I know you've some personal vendetta against him, but he's broke as hell and you know he's damn good with kids.” lu han reminded him. It was all true, yixing was amazing with kids, he was actually amazing with everyone. Lu han always wondered why wu fan disliked yixing so much, no one hated yixing. Yixing was like this unrelenting force of positivity and happiness.

"I-okay. tell him to come over as soon as he can. I'll leave the spare keys under the mat and you give him a hand with everything, alright?"

"what? no, Wu fan, I've work, I can't come over."

"Lu Han, please, I'm really late. I'll have my ass handed to me if I keep doing this, just this once. For me." Wu fan begged.

"Okay, okay, fine. But you owe me." Lu Han hung Wu before Wu fan could thank him a ton. Truth is, Wu fan had at least an hour to spare before he had to leave, but he didn't think he could face yixing right now. He actually had a master plan to never, ever face yixing. it was simple, Wu fan would leave a few minutes before yixing arrived, and he would come home exactly after yixing left at the designated time. It was pure genius, Wu fan thought.

Wu fan went and check on sehun again. His son was fast asleep in his tiny bed. Wu fan's heart melted at the sight, but he had wanted to grab a coffee today since he had time to spare. Wu fan closed sehun's door and fixed his crooked false tie.

Wu fan would never admit it, but he actually had no idea how to tie a tie. That's why his mother sent in these false ties with zippers every Christmas all the way from Canada. Wu fan grabbed his leather briefcase, also a gift from his mother, and slipped through the door. He made sure to leave the spare keys under the doormat so yixing had a way to get it.

Seated in his car, Wu fan revved up the engine and drove off to the nearest Starbucks. Wu fan was a lawyer. He worked at a three partner law firm in Seoul. After six years of service at the firm, he'd earned himself quite a name as a lawyer. So of course it's only fair that's he's paid exceptionally well. And he is.


Wu Fan was exhausted to say the least. It was 2:30 in the morning and he'd just finished getting the briefings done with his client. And tomorrow was court day. He'd never gotten home this late, it was always sometime in the evening. Wu fan's step was heavily and his vision was hazy.

After struggling with the door key for a good few minutes, he managed to get the door open. Immediately, he dropped his briefcase with a loud thud, and he plopped down in the leather recliner without taking another glance.

"Um, are you okay?" Another man's voice said softly. Wu fan snapped his eyes open and shrieked. A boyish looking man was standing in front of him, wearing a concerned look, holding his sehun in his arms. Why was there oh.

Thats right, zhang yixing, Wu fan had forgotten to say the least. And now here he was. He looked completely different from when they were in college. Yixing had grown into his lithe, slender body really well. His complexion had evened out into and his hair wow. Before, yixing had dry, long black strands of shaggy hair. He now has a short auburn cut with slightly wavy side-swooped bangs. Yixing looked fantastic and completely unrecognizable.

After Wu fan had gotten over his initial shock, he lamely replied, "hello," and gave a small wave. Yixing smiled and it made Wu fan slightly dizzy for reasons unknown. But now we realized it was 2:30 in the morning and yixing was still here in his home and that's not how it's supposed to be.

"Thank you so much for looking after sehun, and ugh, staying up this late. Gosh, I'm really sorry about that. I'll pay you extra." Wu fan was just reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet, before Yixing's hand clasped around Wu fan's wrist, stopping him before he could. Wu fan pulled his head up to meet Yixing's gaze.

Yixing was still smiling, rather cutely, Wu fan thought so. Wu fan opened his mouth to speak, but yixing cut him off, "you don't have to pay me extra. Lu had already paid me, don't worry about it." Oh. But wasn't yixing broke? Wu fan thought about what he could say, "it's okay. Lu had said you needed money, and I'm happy to help. You deserve it for staying up with late with sehun." Wu fan replied, thinking that yeah, he could do this. It wasn't too hard being around yixing, it wasn't hard being around yixing at all.

"Wu fan, I'm not a charity case, really. Lu had already paid me, reimburse him if anything." Yixing said with a grim line and Wu fan felt really stupid.

"You're not. I'm sorry." It was kind of nostalgic, yixing being terrorized by Wu fan.

"It's alright. I'll be out." And just like that, Yixing's thousand watt smile was back on as if nothing ever happened. Wu fan wondered if yixing remembered how he was treated in college, if he was, he didn't show any form of hostility to Wu fan.

"Are you sure, it's really late out now. You can crash here if you want. I could make you a decent bed on the couch." Wu fan offered, knowing it was the least he could do. He didn't think yixing would actually take the offer.

"It's fine, don't worry about me. Same time tomorrow?"

"Yeah, same time."

"Alright. Goodnight, Wu fan."

"Oh yeah, goodnight." Yixing chuckled at Wu fan's apprehensive behavior, and Wu fan thought it was cute. The chuckle, not yixing. Definitely not yixing.


It had been three weeks since yixing started babysitting and Wu fan's like has turned completely upside down. Wu fan's laughing and smiling and he's actually happy. He'd of never thought that hiring yixing to look after sehun could solve so many problems. Like, he never has to worry about sehun anymore because yixing, he doesn't ever worry about food or cooking because yixing, he doesn't have to clean the apartment because yixing, and he doesn't have to remember to buy groceries anymore because yixing.

He hasn't told yixing yet, but he plans on keeping him long after the month is over. He needs yixing, sehun needs yixing. How he managed to do anything before yixing is beyond Wu fan's imagination.

However, today, Wu fan returned home unusually late. It was past mid night, and although he wasn't worried about sehun, he was worried about yixing. Lately, he'd begun noticed heavy under eye bags, and yixing was too pale and too thin. He was worried about yixing, but he was afraid of saying anything.

Wu fan was surprised when no one was in the living room. He checked sehun's room and no one was there. Now, Wu fan was worried. Where were they? He was quite frantic as he ran to his bedroom, knocking down a vase on the way there.

He wasn't quite expecting what was in his bedroom either. Yixing and sehun both asleep on his bed, with sehun tucked under Yixing's chin. Yixing was curled up into a curve on one half of the bed, leaving just enough room for one more person to sleep.

He couldn't take his eyes off of the two sleeping bodies, they looked like they belonged there. Yixing's abnormally pale skin stood a spark contrast from his obsidian colored sheets, and sehun snug between the other man, that was something else.

He didn't have feelings for yixing, he really didn't. He didn't even like men, never looked at any. But he's feeling those same light flutters that he felt for his wife for yixing and it's not making sense. Wu fan wanted to wake yixing, it was late and he really shouldn't be sleeping in Wu fan's bed. But how could he?

Sighing lightly, Wu fan went into the attached washroom. Yixing was still in the same position and there was nothing Wu fan could do about it. Clad in a thin undershirt and boxers, he slid into the unoccupied space and slipped the covers over the three of them.

He couldn't sleep. His mind was racing, thinking about how wrong this was. This was too intimate and the latter didn't even know anything. In the morning, he'd probably freak out and throw something at Wu fan. Claiming that this was too much. He might even quit no. No this was yixing. The same much too nice, positivity radiator yixing. The same yixing that had the biggest dimple and biggest smiled he'd ever seen. He wouldn't care. On top of that, they're both grown men. This was nothing to worry about.

Wu fan was lulled to sleep by the combination of Yixing's light breathing and sehun's soft snores.


There was something sitting on top of Wu fan when he woke. He wasn't fully awake, but he could feel the pressure on his stomach. He peeked through one eye to see that it was sehun sitting on his stomach giggling heavily. Wu fan's lips lifted into a small smile. This was new.

"Come on, sehun. Wake up your daddy for yixing ge." That wasn't sehun. Obviously. That's right. Yixing had slept on the same bed with them. Wu fan had a tendency to forget really important details, such as this.

Sehun giggled even more at Yixing's enthusiasm and slapped wufans chest with his tiny fists. It was so endearing, this felt too much like a family. Yixing took care of sehun in a way Wu fan never did, never could. He was extremely maternal, plus he stayed behind when Wu fan went to work. His stomach did flips at the realization that he wouldn't mind that. Yixing being sehun's mother, yixing becoming family. And the thought scared him.

"Come on, mr. Wu. Get up." Yixing's light teasing tone said, he could feel where he was now. Small puffs of air hit his ear and he flinched. but yixing he called him mr. Wu, and wow. Arousal pooled in his stomach, he could feel blood rushing south and now was not the time for morning wood.

Wu fan peeled both eyes open and stared at the ceiling. Sehun giggled again now that his father was awake and he could see Yixing's small smile from the corner of his eye.

"So mr. Wu finally decided to wake up, huh," Yixing's grin evolved into a mischievous smirk, and Wu fan's hard on only got harder. If yixing didn't stop saying mr. Wu...

He saw yixing whispering something into sehun's ear and smiled, sehun couldn't really understand language yet, but he still smiled at effor yixing put into it. Yixing looked at his dad and started scooting up closer on his chest, meanwhile yixing got on the other side of the bed.

Wu fan's brain started functioning, why was yixing getting on the bed and oh no this is bad. but he didn't have much time to process what this meant because yixing brought his hands to Wu fan's sides and started tickling him. Wu fan was extremely ticklish.

He erupted in girlish screams and squirmed around on the bed as both yixing and sehun attacked his sides. Wu fan was trying his hardest restrain himself, his son was on his chest and he didn't want to fling sehun off of him which would end up killing his son. He hoped yixing would have the sense to stop this soon otherwise he wouldn't be able to hold back.

and a few seconds later, yixing did stop. He sat back on his legs and watched sehun tickle, or more like slap, his father while still laughing. Wu fan held sehun's tiny wrists and gave his son the lamest pout ever.

"Oh god, Wu fan, don't pout like that. It makes you look so ugly," Wu fan scoffed at Yixing's remark.

"I'm never ugly. I'm the hottest single dad ever, isn't that right sehunnie?" sehun's response was another set of giggles.

"I don't know about hottest, but definitely hot, yes." Wu fan's eyebrows raised.


"Nothing, don't worry about it." Yixing brushed it off with a smile. But Wu fan wanted to ask more, to know what yixing meant by that.

"Hey, um, could you make breakfast? I know it's asking a lot, but I promise I'll pay you more if you want."

"I'd love to but I gotta go. My boyfriend's been really worried about me since I didn't come home last night." Yixing got off the bed with a sheepish smile, he lifted sehun off of Wu fan and went out of the room to what Wu fan presumed wa sehun's room.

Boyfriend? Yixing had a boyfriend. Wu fan didn't feel comforted by the new information, knowing that now Yixing was attracted to men. This only made him even more confused. All those times it seemed like Yixing was flirting with him, but he couldn't have been because yixing had a boyfriend. Wu fan didn't like that yixing had a boyfriend and it made him wonder why his heart twisted painfully at the fact.

Yixing returned to the room soon after with a small backpack. He stood by the door and fiddled with his hands.

"I hope it's alright I can go now, he's really worried, you know."

"Wait, boyfriend?" Yixing's forehead creased and his mouth opened but nothing came out. Quickly, he replied, "I'm so sorry, I didn't think you care because of lu Han and Minseok. Please don't fire me because of it, please." And Wu fan felt like a prick.

"no, no, of course I won't. I-I just didn't know. That's it. I don't care about you liking guys."


"You can also go, you know. He might be worried." Yixing's mouth formed a small 'o', but he smiled and sprinted out the door before Wu fan could get up.


Wu fan was sitting lazily on the couch, beer bottle in one hand and remote in the other. Sehun was staying with his grandparents for the weekend so he didn't have to worry about letting free. He would have called lu Han to have a proper boys night in, but lu Han was busy with minseok.

he was in half way through a drama when his phone rung. munching on shrimp chips, he sloppily brought the phone to his ear and answered with a mouth full of stinky shrimp chips.

it was yixing half crying and half talking, saying that he was outside Wu fan's apartment. Wu fan had asked what was wrong, but yixing was crying far too much for the answer to be incomprehensible.

Wu fan found yixing clad in sweat pants and a thin wife beater with swollen eyes and a bruise on his left cheek. He let the younger in silently, side eyeing the red on his pale cheek. Yixing sat motionlessly and Wu fan didn't know what to do. His gut clenched at the latter's suspicious appearance.

"you okay," Wu fan asked, biting his lip. Yixing nodded and looked at Wu fan with piercing eyes. "He broke up with me, thought I was fucking you, and hit my face," Yixing mumbled numbly and gestured to the bruise. Wu fan flinched at the curse, hearing yixing say anything remotely obscene was a first for Wu fan. But he was still trying to digest what yixing had said. Wu fan fucking yixing. Yixing's boyfriend breaking up with him, his boyfriend hitting him.

Wu fan remained speechless. He didn't really know what to say, though thankful that sehun wasn't here. It dawned upon Wu fan that after two months of knowing yixing, he didn't actually know much about him other than that he went to university and had a boyfriend. Goddammit, he didn't even know how old yixing was.

but he found himself making his way over to the boy, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, and letting yixing cry into his neck. he could feel Yixing's lips moving against his neck, he could feel his salty tears dripping down onto his shirt, and he could feel a lot of things. Wu fan didn't know how to comfort the younger, but he was willing to try.

finally, yixing pulled away and wiped at his face with the back of his hand. His face was a mess, snot, tears, and drool everywhere. He would have looked disgusting, but Wu fan's heart clenched and he didn't think yixing looked disgusting at all.

after Wu fan had let yixing use yphis bathroom to freshen up, they sat in relative silence. Wu fan got up and grabbed a couple of beer cans from his fridge since he figured getting shit faced drunk was the best way to get over a break up.

Yixing gave Wu fan a thankful smile and they both drank in silence.

as two beer cans turned into six, the two men unleashed. Wu fan didn't know the last time he had proper company over that wasn't lu Han or his parents. Being a single dad took a tole on Wu fan, and he was glad to have yixing in his life. He couldn't remember the last time he let loose like this, all carefree and cheery. He couldn't remember the last time he laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

their positions from on the couch had changed into yixing sitting on Wu fan's lap while Wu fan sat on the floor. Yixing wasn't crying any more, in fact, he was erupting in giggles consistently and Wu fan's drunken heart fluttered. If he were sober he would have realized how compromising the position was but he honestly didn't care.

Yixing chose that moment to mold his body into Wu fan and this time Wu fan had the sense to be embarrassed. He couldn't see the younger's face since it was hiding in his chest but he could feel yixing tensing. Wu fan brought his arm around Yixing's waist to rub small circles while he pressed his lips against his forehead and left a searing kiss.

Yixing flinched at the touch of Wu fan's lips and met Wu fan's gaze. He gulped heavily, Wu fan was staring at the boy intently. He tried to struggle out of Wu fan's embrace, but the elder refused to budge. He slowly brought his face closer to Yixing's until their foreheads were touching.

Wu fan pressed his lips to Yixing's without any warning. Yixing's pupils dilated but he didn't pull away, he didn't respond, but he didn't pull away. Wu fan was the one who did, he looked for a reaction but found none. So he tried again, more persistent this time. Tilting his head for a better fit he started licking at the seams of Yixing's lips, asking for permission.

Yixing caved in a fter a few nudges of wu fan's tongue. Instantly, wu fan started exploring the hot cavern that is yixing's mouth. It should have tasted bitter from all the alcohol, but wu fan couldn't quite get enough of yixing. His hand started fumbling with the hem of yixing's wifebeater, occasionally skating his fingers across the small expanse of exposed skin.

He could feel the younger's skin response with goosebumps, this only gave wu fan more confidence to cajole yixing into taking off the widebeater. In a drunken haze, wu fan stared at yixing's torso. Pink dusty nipples harded by arousal, smooth and creamy skin completely unmarked, and sharp bones protruding in a jugular angle; yixing looked like art at that moment.

He'd never have thought a shirtless man would have looked so good, or maybe it was just yixing because yixing couldn't really be defined by something as meaningless as a gender. Yixing was beautiful, yixing was funny, yixing was caring, but wu fan refused to mark down yixing as a man and pass him up. Becasue yixing was really the best thing that ever happened to him since his wife left him and if he let's yixing go because yixing is a man, then wu fan didn't really want to live with himself.

So he stopped kissing yixing, because he will regret this in the morning. He would have taken advantage of yixing's (lack of) sobriety and his vulnerabilty and that's not the kind of person wu fan is. He is not a shit human.

The look of sadness yixing gave wu fan when he pulled away nearly broke his heart, but he knew this was right. Yixing deserved better than this. Wu fan was reason his boyfriend broke up with him, he was the reason yixing had been hurt, he's the reason that yixing's in this messy state right now and he would feel like the most shit human ever if he continued to pursue yixing right now.

He'd figured they can talk this out in the morning when they're both capable of a rational conversation. And maybe wu fan was afraid that yixing would reject him because they haven't even done anything remotely romantic and yixing was probably still in love with his boyfriend. But it was okay because he knew that at least he would get over yixing if that was the case, at least yixing wouldn't drop him like his wife did because this is yixing.

So he told himself it'll be okay and went to sleep with yixing in his arms. Maybe he'd wake up before yixing and he'd get a small glimpse of what it would be like to wake up to yixing.

* * *

wu fan's not sure why he actually thought yixing would accept him. He's not even sure why he ddin't think about yixing not being here in the morning. He was ready for rejection, but he wasn't ready for this.

When wu fan woke up, he was alone. There wasn't a note or anything, no sign of yixing's precesne. The younger had even managed to clean up around the apartment before he left. Wu fan thought he was pathetic, and he probably was for having such un realistic expectations but the feeling of getting left behind twice was really fuckhim him up.

After wu fan ahad eaten breakfast, he'd called his parents and asked if they could keep sehun for another few days since wu fan was still shaken up. His mother had asked if anything was wrong but wu fan brushed it off, saying that he just needed a bit of time to think. Fortnately, his mother dropped the subject soon after and went on rambling about the mishap sehun was causing. It made wu fan's day a bit better to hear about his son.

Wu fan hadn't completely given up on yixing though because wu fan had decided that yixing wouldn't simply jump into his arms if he'd ask him to. He called him five times and each time there had been no answer.

Grumbling angrily, wu fan decided that he would wait out the time until yixing had to babysit sehun. He would definetly be able to talk to him then.

* * *

two days later, wu fan recieved a text from yixing saying he won't be able to babysit sehun anymore and that he was sorry. Wu fan was angry to say the least. He tried calling him back but it seemed as if yixing had his number blocked. He asked lu han about yixing, but lu han said he didn't know anything.

To top it off, sehun had aquired a fever from daycare and his client's request was completely unreasonable. He hadn't given much thought about yixing during the week since he barely had any time to think about anything other than sehun and work.

Lu han had called him an hour ago. He'd said something about needing to talk to wu fan so wu fan cleaned up around his apartment since it'd become a pig's sty.

Lu had was angrily ringing the doorbell and wu fan's intrest had gne up since lu han rarely felt this passionate about anything other than minseok and manchester united.

“what happened between you and yixing?” lu han asked the minute wu fan opened the door. Wu fan raised an eyebrow, “what do you mean what happened between us?”

“i don't know, you tell me. He called me saying that you needed someone to look after sehun.”

“i don't know, you ask him. He quit.” Wu fan knew he was being childish, but he was genuinely hurt by the younger's actions.

“listen, i don't know much about yixing, but something was definitely going on between you two. Now tell me or i'll do something,” wu fan scoffed at lu han's 'threat'. Lu han couldn't do anything.

But wu fan had ended up spilling everything to lu han minutes after. He even cried. Lu had told him that he looked ugly, but wu fan kept crying. It was then that lu han realised wu fan was serious about yixing.

“tell you what, if your promise to stop your ugly crying then i'll help you fix whatever the fuck is going on between you two, okay? How about it?”

“prom-” sob. “ise?” lu han nodded, but had the most disguested look on his face. He hoped wu fan would never cry in fornt of yixing, otherise he was sure that yixing would leave wu fan on the spot.

Wu fan thanked lu han ten times that day.

* * *

wu fan stared at yixing. Yixing wouldn't meet his gaze, instead he was looking at the ground.

“what do you want, wu fan?” yixing asked in a small voice.

“where have you been?” yixing didn't answer, “where have you been, yixing?” wu fan repeated more firmly this time. Yixing looked up.

“i've been busy.”

wu fan scoffed, “busy? With what?”

“i've a life outside of you, you know that. Uni, friends, family, stuff. I don't owe you an explanation.”

wu fan's jaw clenched. “but you left. And you're better than that, yixing. We could have talked it out. It would have been better than completely disappearing.”

“wu fan, i was drunk and i just got dumped. You were also drunk and lonely. It was a misunderstanding.”

but it wasn't, at least not to wu fan. He'd figured out his feelings. He liked yixing, no, he likes yixing.

“no yixing, that's not true. I-i like you. A lot. And i don't know if you do or not, but i really want to try. If your don't like it, then fine. Leave, go, whatever you want,” wu fan stared, “just try.”

yixing's hard stare softened. He took in wu fan's appearance. To be honest, they both looked too tired and too thin. But he could see how genuine wu fan was being.

“i'll try. But not too much all at once. Slow.”

and wu fan then smiled just like that, “slow.”

* * *

however, yixing was anything but slow. Two weeks in and yixing had already practically moved into wu fan's apartment. They made out, like, all the time. yixing had even finally cracked wu fan's resolve and wu fan can now say that he's slept with a man.

There was this one time where sehun even called yixing his 'baba', and he swears up and down that he didn't cry. But wu fan knows exactly what happened.

Yifan was pretty smug when yixing had asked if he could move in.

“if you keep looking like that, i'm taking my offer back.” yixing had threatened. Wu fan just laughed again and have him a quick peck before throwing him over his shoulders and running into their bedroom.

Wu fan even called it their bedroom.


kissfx fic event, day 8, pg-13, 2015

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