14th Proposal [original prompt]

Mar 02, 2015 02:44

Title: 14th Proposal
Prompt: original prompt
Length: 4,600+ words
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Exaggerated romantic theme you will have to prepare a plastic bag for when you barf and a glass of water to cleanse your mouth.
Summary: The first time was a coincidence. The second time was for experiment. The next ones were all plain desire for adventure and free food.
Notes: This was inspired by a Tumblr post. I immediately thought of fanxing when I saw it. I really do not have anything more to say. I am sorry for this crap. That is all. Happy Valentines to everybody!!!!!!!!

It was the thirteenth time they were doing it. The restaurant was in another city, Guangzhou to be exact. Yifan had a few days off from work as part of his vacation leave benefits while Yixing was an online business man. They visited Yifan’s hometown since his mother was in town for the summer.

Yixing was ready, holding his laughter as he waited for Yifan to execute their plan. They did not have any script this time. Just like the old times, they agreed to do it again for fun and for free dinner. Likewise, they have not done it here.

“Yixing,” Yifan started, getting on his knees in the middle of dinner. The place was serenaded by a jazz band and packed with couples and friends treating themselves to good food. Yifan took Yixing's hand and gripped it tightly. “We've known each other for less than a year but you made me feel like we are destined to be together even before we were born.” This was the third time Yifan used this line.

Trying to appear shocked, Yixing covered his mouth with his free hand as he looked down at his kneeling boyfriend. He already mastered how to make his eyes glisten so it would look like he was on the verge of crying (he was thinking about the time Yifan set his favorite pans on fire when he tried to cook them breakfast. Those pans were state-of-the-art!). He looked from left to right, anxious that they did not attract enough attention from other people as planned.

It did not take more than two minutes before everyone was looking at them. Even the jazz band especially played a romantic music to accompany Yifan when they noticed what was about to ensue. It felt like time stopped inside the restaurant. All eyes were on them, including the servers. Yixing was really good at this, Yifan thought. His other half was trembling, getting carried away with the ambiance. Yifan wondered if he would look like that when he proposed for real.

“You never fail to make me laugh. You are the best thing that has happened to me. I do not wanna let go of the one thing that gives me happiness every single day.” Yifan ended his speech with opening a blue velvety box containing a shiny silver band. He picked it up and slid it through Yixing's fingers. He looked up at Yixing, anticipating his quick answer. His stomach cannot wait any longer.

Everyone was waiting for Yixing's answer. The jazz ensemble stopped playing, reserving their masterpiece for the moment Yixing would say yes. Yixing stood there frozen, staring at the ring on his finger. Yifan was trying to converse with him using his eyes to just go ahead and say yes. The smaller male looked lost in his on world. He looked like he was drowning with his own feelings. It was all good for the act though for Yifan’s stomach, it was not.

Until finally, the yes escaped his lips. This was Yifan's cue to stand up and embrace Yixing. He kissed him passionately as if they were really bound to get married. People cheered and awwed. The band played a happy piece in celebration of their engagement. Some couple went out of their way to congratulate them formally, shaking their hands and giving them a friendly hug. This was Yifan's favorite part.

When the high of the moment subsided, a man who seemed to be the restaurant manager as stated on the gold nameplate on his chest came to their table. He said his greetings and congratulated both of them. Yifan's stomach began growling and he hoped he was the only one who could hear it.

“Have you ordered for the night?” The manager asked, flashing a dashing smile at them. Yixing was flaunting his ring while Yifan was already concentrating on the menu. He was only waiting for the manager to formally say it.

“We are just about to. Right, honey?” Yifan answered. Yixing flinched at the sweet nickname although he should be used to it. Yifan had used more cheesy and gut-wrenching names than that.

Yixing only hummed as he adored his ring. Even if they had done it many times, Yifan would always find Yixing getting smitten with that same ring. It was not like it was the first time he had said it. It was not like it was the first time he had proposed to him like that in public. There was always a glint in his eyes that sometimes makes Yifan feel like Yixing wanted it a little too much. Or perhaps Yixing was getting too carried away with this game again.

“We are very honored that you chose to bring your,” The manager turned to Yixing. “Boyfriend, now fiancé, here to ask for his hand. As gratitude, all your orders are in the house. It's our engagement gift to you.”

Yifan hid his smirk behind the tall menu folder before he thanked the restaurant manager. The plan was successful again just like the previous twelve times they pulled such stunt. Yifan asked Yixing to order first. They made sure they got the house specialty and the most expensive wine available.

After they consumed all the free food, they were congratulated for the last time before they went home. Yifan and Yixing erupted into a fit of laughter once they were safely away from the place. It was such a wonderful night in Guangzhou.


The first time was just a coincidence. The second time was for experiment (they wanted to try if it would work again). The next ones were all plain desire for adventure and free food.

It was their third valentines together when Yifan was forced to have a fake proposal. He had forgotten to make a reservation for their date. He just got hired from his new job in the accounting firm so he was so busy adjusting and proving his worth at his workplace. Valentines was one of Yixing’s favorite holidays (he likes all holidays in a year).

“I am excited for your surprise tonight, babe.” Yixing had said before Yifan left for work that morning. That was when he had realized that that day was the 14th and that he did not remember to make a reservation in any restaurant or hotel.

Helping him solve his problem, one of his officemates, Minseok, had recommended a newly-opened cozy restaurant that was owned by his friend Zitao that would not require a reservation. Luckily, Zitao's place was not packed since it was basically new. Unluckily, Yifan forgot his wallet in his office drawer. Yixing was still jobless then and the money in his wallet (grocery budget) was not enough to pay everything.

(“Who forgets their wallets inside their drawers?” Minseok asked the following day when he asked Yifan about what happened with his date.

“Apparently, me? I do not know why. Maybe I took it out when I went to the bathroom?” Yifan replied. He left out the other details like fake proposing to his boyfriend so he would not have to pay.

Not entirely convinced with his excuse, Minseok still grimaced at Yifan. “Who takes out their wallet when they go to the restroom?”)

Not wanting Yixing to wash the dishes after they eat because it would definitely ruin their night he might not have sex with him later, Yifan had talked to Yixing and convinced him to just go with his actions. Yifan had taken Yixing’s couple ring. Even without knowing about what Yifan’s going to do, Yixing had followed. It had helped that the younger was oblivious as his reaction when Yifan got down on his knees and put their couple ring as a faux engagement ring was priceless.

The whole place, including Zitao, was awed at how Yifan suddenly got down on his knees and proposed to his “unsuspecting” boyfriend. Yixing could not stop crying after he accepted his proposal. When Yixing had calmed down, Zitao came up to them to happily tell them that their meal for the night was free and that they were entitled to unlimited wine.

“That was not a good joke!” Yixing slapped Yifan’s arm inside the car on their way home. He was still teary eyed after what happened. Yifan was actually delighted with his reaction.

The taller smirked, rubbing Yixing’s cheeks using his thumb. He did not mind making the proposal real but he knew it was not the right time since Yixing was still trying to get a long-term career and was still paying off his university debts. Getting married would not be a wise decision. “That was the only thing I thought of to not ruin our Valentines date.”

“Proposing?? Really??”

“It worked! Everyone believed that we are engaged now.”

Yixing fell silent, blowing his cheeks out and pouting the whole ride. He looked cute and Yifan mentally patted himself for having such a childish yet beautiful boyfriend.

A few weeks later after the proposal, Yifan and Zitao had met in a party Minseok threw. Yifan took Yixing with him without knowing Zitao and his boyfriend Sehun would be there as well. He was not aware that when Minseok said that he was friends with the restaurateur, he did not mean that Zitao was his cousin’s boyfriend.

Yifan and Yixing did not know what to say when Zitao asked about their wedding. Minseok was surprised that they were talking about a wedding when Yifan and Yixing had just moved in together two months ago. Luhan, Minseok’s husband and Yixing’s best friend, then joined the conversation, acting a bit offended because his best friend did not tell him that he was engaged. The couple was forced to tell the truth. As a form of apology, Yifan offered to pay Zitao. But Zitao declined and said that it was fine and they had fun seeing Yifan act like a romantic.

It had been the start of their friendship and Yifan’s many proposals that comes with free meals.


“Do you want to get married?”


“No, not now. Maybe in the future.”

“With you?”

“Even not with me.”

“I do not know… I mean it is nice thinking about having a family but it is not my priority right now.”

“Hmmmmm… I see. I am just thinking how it would be nice to get married in a secluded island, only your closest friends attending, and saying vows under the setting sun. And then you will buy a house big enough for six kids running around.”

“Six kids? Seriously?”

“What is wrong with six kids? The more the merrier!”

“From what movie did you get those silly ideas?”

“Fine, laugh at me. You never take me seriously.”

“I am sorry. I am just kidding. I wanna get married as well but if you want that kind of wedding, I have to work my ass off for a few years first to afford that.”

“We can both work for it.”

“You are still paying for your university debts, Xing. Do not force yourself. We can save for the wedding later.”


“Are you mad at me?”

“No… I just miss you. It’s lonely when you are not here. When are you coming home?”

“Next week. Mom needs me to fix things with the house she got from the divorce. I am home before you know it.”

“Okay. Sheepheart is a nice cuddle buddy but I like you better. Sheepheart does not kiss me.”

“Of course I am better than a doll! I will kiss you for hours when I get back.”

“Only kiss? I want more….”

“Oh, Yixing. It is the middle of the day here. I can’t…”

“..But you know I am really lonely and it’s cold here in our room and I imagine all the things we could do in this big bed of ours and I really need you right now.”


“Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I am just kidding okay.”

“I will take care of you thoroughly when I come back so be ready.

“I am excited!”

“Be very excited.”

“I miss you.”

“I miss you, too, sweetheart. Go to sleep now. It’s almost three in the morning there.”

“Alright. I love you, Yifan.”

“I love you more, Xing.”


Sometimes it was because Yixing was wearing Yifan’s oversized shirt while doing the laundry and walking all over the house looking like that. Sometimes (no, actually, all the fucking time) it was because Yixing does this flick of his hips and the way he goes up and down on Yifan’s cock that makes Yifan crazy. Most of the time it was because of Yixing’s love for children. Yixing looks good while taking care of children.

Yixing decided to baby sit their neighbor’s four year-old kid Yiming. Yiming’s parents had to fly to the province to visit a sick family member who died. They could not bring the child along because he has classes. Yixing promised they have nothing to worry about for the five days they were gone. Yixing opted to stay a freelance dance choreographer as he already has an online shopping business (that Yifan suggested. He sells men’s accessories and perfumes. Yixing said he wanted to stay at home because Yifan does not do home chores and he already accepted that he is Yifan’s personal maid). There were occasions when he would play in small bars or compose advertisement jingles for extra income.

That day, Yifan came home to a very messy living room. All of Yixing’s products were on the floor. Yixing was in the kitchen cooking dinner and Yiming was on the dining table doing his homework. He rarely comes home with Yixing’s products all over the place as the younger puts them inside their spare room (which serves as his headquarters) right away.

“You are here! Dinner will be served shortly.” Yixing came up to Yifan to give him a kiss on the cheek. Usually he kisses him on the lips when he comes home but maybe because there was a minor watching them, Yixing decided to play safe. “Yiming say hi to Yifan-gege.” Yixing told the child who was looking at them from the table.

“Hello Yifan-gege!” The kid waved and smiled. His cheeks were plump and his eyes disappeared when he smiled.

Yifan ruffled the kid’s hair. He saw that he was working on how to write numbers. While waiting for the dinner to be served, Yifan sat down with Yiming to help him with his assignments.

Yiming was polite and very obedient. Most kids his age would throw tantrums whenever they did not get what they wanted. Yiming does not demand a lot from them. He would take a nap in the afternoon without Yixing forcing him. He knows how to eat vegetables and he does his homework on his own. If Yifan could keep him and take him as his child, he would.

On Saturday, Yiming’s fourth day with them, Yixing asked Yifan if they could all go to out as a reward for Yiming getting three stars at school and as a parting gift since his parents would be arriving that night. Yifan took them to an ocean park. It was nice because Yiming and Yixing have not gone there. Like the four year-old, Yixing was amazed with the sea creatures. They watch a sea lion show and Yiming had a chance to feed a dolphin.

Yiming was holding onto Yixing all day. Yifan could see that the kid was really close to him. Yixing attended to all his needs like Yiming was his own kid. Seeing Yixing like that made Yifan want to have their own Yiming. Thinking about it, Yixing would be a great parent and it would be a privilege for Yifan to build a family with him. It intensified his desire to ask his hand for marriage.

“Thank you for today.” Yixing smiled as put his hand on top of Yifan’s. They were on their way home. Yiming was sleeping in the backseat after his whole day of adventure.

“You and Yiming had fun so it’s nothing.” Yifan responded, not letting go of Yixing’s hand the whole drive.

Yixing leaned his head on Yifan’s shoulder and kissed the side of his jaw. “I love you always.” Yixing was warm and beautiful and Yifan wanted to have him for the rest of his life.

Yifan took a quick glance down at Yixing. He could stay this way with him forever. He could have a big family like what Yixing always wanted, a house with a big lawn where their kids would play, a dog to play with their kids, a huge van to take them anywhere during summer vacations. Suddenly, a picture of a family life flashed before his eyes and Yixing was there, too, in the spacious kitchen cooking breakfast and smiling so beautifully at him.

“I love you forever, sweetheart.” Yifan replied with a thought of fulfilling that promise.


Now in their fifth year living together (seven years in total), of course Yifan had thought of asking Yixing to marry him. Yifan has a stable job now in the company. He was promoted many times since he joined the organization. He was in the supervisory level so he could now afford Yixing’s dreams.

Meeting Yixing was the best thing that happened to Yifan in recent years. Yixing was all he wanted in a person. Yixing was extremely talented, incredibly sweet, genuinely caring, and very affectionate. There were times that he would be spacing out or acting like he was in his own world but it was part of his charms. YIfan had learned to let Yixing alone when he was choreographing or writing his own songs. It did not take time for Yifan to admit to himself that he was deeply and madly and crazily and disgustingly in love with Yixing in so many ways.

In the beginning, it had been fun getting free food for proposing in front of many people. It was just simple. It was not hard acting like an in love man because Yifan was really in that state of euphoria in his life. However, in every proposal, he felt like he was getting nearer to that moment when he would really get down on his knees for real to ask Yixing to be his husband. Every proposal was like a preparation of what he was bound to do.

So, Yifan decided it had to be done now. He had asked Zitao’s help to execute the plan. Aside from owning a restaurant, Zitao was also a fan of romantic shenanigans. He has a habit of watching proposal videos and same-day edit wedding videos on Youtube. When he heard about the plan, he shrieked so hard Sehun thought the place was burning.

“Finally! FINALLLLLLLLLLYYYYYY!!” Zitao was jumping up and down. Sehun just shook his head and went back to the kitchen when he found out what his boyfriend was screaming for. Yifan showed him the silver ring contained in a velvet black box. Zitao swooned on the shining jewelry. “Cartier! You have good taste! Yixing would love this!”

“I was kind of worried since I have proposed to him many times, the actual proposal would not surprise him anymore.” This was the real downfall for all the playing they did before. Moreover, Yifan ran out of ideas on how to surprise Yixing. On top of having a beach wedding, he wanted to give him a memorable engagement.

“Just take Yixing here and leave everything to me.” Zitao winked at him then hopped gleefully to his office.

Yifan told Yixing to meet him at Zitao’s restaurant the following night. Yixing had a scheduled performance at a small bar near the university district. The owner was one of his former classmates in college. It was pretty late when he arrived so the restaurant was not that full anymore. Zitao was actually more worried than Yifan that Yixing would not come.

“I took a cab to get here quicker. I am sorry I am late!” Yixing announced his arrival waving and squealing when he passed through the door. It was in the middle of February so the weather was still cold. He was wearing a black trench coat and bundled up in a red and black checkered scarf that his face was barely visible. He was carrying his guitar case on his back that dangled as he sprinted towards Yifan’s table.

Yifan giggled on how his future fiancé looked (ahh just thinking about Yixing being his fiancé excited him). “It’s okay. I am not hungry yet.”

Just nervous and excited, he wanted to add.

They ordered the usual - T-bone steak for Yifan and Periperi chicken for Yixing. Yixing noticed that the whole gang was there. Minseok and Luhan was at the bar watching football and, surprisingly, their daughter Yugin was with them. She was on Luhan’s lap, sleeping as she sucks on her thumb. Yixing said hello to them while they waited for their food.

“It is late. You should take Yugin home.” Yixing said, stroking the child’s ebony black hair. Even though she was adopted, she resembled Minseok’s eyes and cheeks.

“We’ll go home after the game.” Luhan whispered as to not wake up the little bundle of cuteness on his lap. Yixing left them to watch their game after a few chitchat.

Dinner were served shortly. Yixing was talking about his night with his former college buddies. The owner of the bar was already married and it was their second anniversary tonight. Yixing specifically played the couple’s favorite song that the patrons equally enjoyed.

Yifan was only listening. He was too occupied at how Yixing was alternating swallowing his food and continuing his story. His eyes were twinkling and he would not stop smiling, his dimple relentlessly present on his face. When Yixing was engrossed at something, he tends to be jumpy. It seemed like he was happy that he met his friends after a long time not seeing each other. He was in a good mood which meant Yifan has a low percentage of getting rejected.

“Hey!” Zitao appeared carrying an upside down bucket when they finished their food. He placed it on Yixing’s side. When he lifted the bucket, a mountain of strawberry ice cream came into view. That was seriously a huge ice cream but Yixing brightened up when he saw it. He likes strawberries and ice cream and any sweet things. “Yifan particularly ordered this for tonight. Enjoy!”

“Yay! Thanks, Zitao!” Yixing told Zitao. He turned into Yifan and flashed him a wide smile, his hands pressed together. “Thank you, baby.”

Yixing devoured the cold sweet dessert immediately. He hummed once he tasted the first spoonful. Yifan laughed at how theatrical he looked while eating. The younger tried feeding Yifan but Yifan declined. He was already happy seeing Yixing happy eating.

So, he let Yixing eat his ice cream as he waited for Zitao to execute his plan (or was this ice cream bucket part of his plan, he thought). His hands were sweating. He handed the ring to Zitao as part of his grand plan though he did not know anything about it. He had no idea when he would say his speech or kneel down in front of Yixing. Even he was kept in the dark. But he trusted Zitao and his romantic instincts on this.

He was trying to get Zitao’s attention to ask him where the hell was his ring when he saw Yixing almost got choked after he swallowed a big chunk of ice cream. Then the younger spit out a silver ring covered with pink particles. Yixing almost swallowed his fucking ring.

“What is this?” Yixing asked no one in particular, wiping the ring with a table napkin.

This was Zitao’s great plan? Choking Yixing with the engagement ring? Great. Fabulous.

Yifan would have a talk with him later.

Seeing all their friends’ attention were on them now Yifan supposed it was the time to say something. Sehun was standing by Zitao by the pastry bar. Luhan and Minseok were not watching the game anymore.
“Xing..” Yifan started. Yixing looked naïve, like the first time he proposed to him in that very same place. Yifan took the ring from him and got down on his knees. In all the thirteen proposal he did on the past, this was the very first time he could not think of anything to say (though he had prepared his speech last night). He felt extremely nervous.

Yixing bent down to whisper on Yifan. “Yifan, did you forget your wallet again? Zitao won’t buy this anymore. He already know about our scheme.”

Yifan ignored Yixing. “Seven years of being together felt like yesterday. Before I met you, I never believed in marriage. I was afraid I will have the same fate as my parents. But you gave me something to believe in. You showed me hope. You loved and stayed with me even though you were not sure about our future.”

“Get up. I will pay tonight.” Yixing was forcing Yifan to stand.

Yifan shook his head and remained kneeling on the floor. Yixing changed his expression when he saw Zitao, Sehun, Luhan, and Minseok looking at them with expectant faces. Yifan assumed it sunk on Yixing in that this was not a game anymore.

“I am so blessed that I have you in my life. You deserve the best in this world. I know I am not the best option. There are other greater men out there that could offer you more than I could give. But I hope my love for you is enough. Allow me to try to give you the best things. Allow me to be with you for the rest of our lives. Will you marry me?"

Before Yixing could answer, Yifan had slipped the ring on Yixing’s finger. The younger was not crying like he expected him to. Happiness was the only emotion evident on his face.

“Finally…” Yixing said, looking down on Yifan. “I have been waiting for this. And yes, I will marry you.” Yifan stood up to kiss Yixing on his lips, encasing him in his arms. Yifan knew Yixing was his all along but it felt so so so good that it would be official soon.

They heard people cheer but it did not stop them from kissing some more. They only parted when their friends came up to them to give their congratulations. Zitao got really pumped up. He was so proud that it was all his idea. Yixing laughed at that and told him that he almost killed him.

In the middle of the celebration, Yixing never let go of Yifan’s hand. The younger kept on staring at the ring on his finger, not entirely believing that he was about to get married soon. Yifan noticed it so he pulled him on the corner for a minute.

“What is the matter?” He asked.

Yixing glanced down on his feet. “Nothing, I am just so happy tonight.”

“I am glad you are.” God, Yifan never felt so in love in his whole life. Just looking at Yixing overwhelmed him. He hoped it would not end. He hope what he feels for Yixing would last a lifetime. “Thank you, Yixing.”

“For what?” Yixing asked, tilting his head to the left.

“For saying yes.”

Yixing snorted, playfully slapping his cheek. “Of course. There is no other answer to that.”
Yifan could not help but smile at the thought of starting forever with Yixing.

“I love you always.”

“I love you forever.”


A/N: So I hope the plastic bag is still empty. NO? Okay then. Nevertheless, thank you for reading!

kissfx fic event, day 8, pg-13, 2015

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