Aug 04, 2010 04:13
I've never understood why people have to lie about bulls**t. I can understand lying about big things (not that I am for it) but little meaningless things? What's the point?
Also, when habitual liars get mad at you when you don't believe them (even when they are truthful). I mean hello?! Think about it moron!
Just something that has been bothering me.
I had a dream the other night where my Dad (who looked like Michael Landon) wanted to get together and do stuff with me. We hung out and then he asked if I was free the next night to drive down some road by the Cirque du Soleil. Then I woke up,but I woke up sad because that would never happen with my Dad. He's got his own life to lead.Always has,always will. I don't (and never did) fit into that equation.
Wow this is a real downer of a post.