Oct 03, 2005 21:00
i waited for you
last night
and the night befor
and all the nights brfor that
i waited for you to call, to come
i wished and hoped
and cryed when you didn't
i do that for you now
after all that you've done
after all the times i've died in my heart
i do this for you now
i know you can't understand
when you call and i can't speak
when i see you
and run away in tears
i know you cant know
how much it herts not to see you
how much i want to
but when i think
of all the broken promises
and all the lies
my heart begains to break again
i think if it dose
i wont be able to fix it'it herts to much already
im to young for it to be this bad
im sorry
i can't let my heart be broken any more, by you
i'll lett my tears flow freely now
and then i'll try to forget you...
till next time i see your picture
or hear a voise like yours
in the mall
good bye dad
untill then
good bye