Sep 27, 2004 17:01
Joe is gone now for two weeks.
I start school Thursday.
Work sucks.
My house is a fucking pig-sty.
Got in an argument with my mom Saturday.
Drank too much this weekend.
Not loving the new hair cut so much.
I am in a rotten mood.
What I need is to go home tonight and pick up the house, do dishes, fold laundry, do more laundry, clean ferret's cage, vacuum, put my CDs away, put my art stuff back downstairs, clean out my backpack, and clean the fridge. That way I can be less stressed out for the rest of the week. Joe is gone, meaning I don't have to worry about if he is going to like what I want to do, but also I have to do whatever I want to do by myself. I haven't been to any shows in forever. I haven't been to Vera in forever either. I just haven't been myself lately. Sigh. Just remembered, I Heart Rummage is this weekend. That should get my mind off things.