memorial day weekend

May 29, 2006 23:01

killed me. litterally. I almost died from dehydration. Probably not drinking again, for a while. Friday night I met a nice boy thats NOT from collingswood. YAY. Danced in a silly dive bar in West Philly, had a chee-chi and party girl reunion. I also got so drunk I blacked out on my cold bathroom floor for the first time since i was about 15, YESSSS. I managed to make it into school saturday, regular margarita crew met up for lunch. Continued to drink on each break....yes I went on a binge this weekend. Wildwood saturday night, pajama party, we fit them both in. Made out with this hot ass kid, we all know him. no names needed. random as hell. slept from 6-11am. Pearljam parking lot in the afteroon. Julia and I walking around aimlessly with a 30pack of miller light. Meeting random ass guys with coolers and nice clothes. Possibly gay? Really funny. THEY HAD AN RV and a beer pong table. I was ON FIRE. We should have betted for money. Julia got some golden showers, talked shit all afternoon in the blazzzing sun. Went to chris's with lee and julia, cried. I was being such a baby about moving. Seriously though, I could not think of a better place and better people for me to spend my last weekend night in collinsgwood with.Chris's was at one point my home away from home. He lives behind me for god sake. I cried, a lot. And I seriously love everyone there a little bit MORE for putting up with me, and for the most part making me feel optimistic about the move. this morning, I thought I was dying. apparently I woke leeann up by saying, " i think im dying" whatever. I'm not drinking ever aaaagain. This weekend was good. Justin called me. random was apparently the theme of this weekend. It was good. cried some more, took him to the new house.  talked about a lot. he misses me, I know hes still in love with me. I will always love him, its just not the right time. but we will get back together. just not for a while. I could use another friend, I always could. and hopefully we will be just that for  the time to come.
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