May 06, 2006 21:03
i have this stupid girl scout song stuck in my head. "make new friends but keep the old. one is silver and the other is gold." i want to know which one is silver and which one is gold. i think the old friend is gold and the new are silver. hopefully white gold.
this summer is going to be amazing. i don't care about drama. it is always going to be around. i will live my life with it. just learn to deal with the fact that it is always going to be there. i have my friends that never give me shit and i have my friends that always give me shit but they are all my friends. some are worse than others but still, they are my friends.
my family is fucking crazy. i don't know why i have to share blood with a fucking freak show. ughhh. my sister is fucking crazy. that is all i have to say. i am not some fucking bleeding heart liberal. why is that not ok? it is fucking ok. i can think whatever i want to think. some ppl just don't make any sense to me. it is just weird ok. i don't hate transexuals or whatever they are but i think it is weird.
i need to get her id tho because we are going to have bundles of fun. i need to buy more clothes. i already filled my closet as well as my sisters. vickis.