
Dec 11, 2010 08:56

Rating: NC17
Pairing: Sasuke/Kankuro/Kiba/Naruto
Summary: More plotless porn, this time with introspection.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful like this.”

Naruto’s voice came from behind Sasuke. He felt hands on his ribs, sliding down across his stomach, palms hot and sticky. But Sasuke’s attention was elsewhere, focused on the hard biceps clenching under his hands and the even harder cock pressing, impaling, filling him so deeply he couldn’t breathe.

“Oh fuck that’s hot,” Kiba panted, working himself with one hand and gripping the back of Kankuro’s neck with the other. “You like that, don’t you, baby? God, you’re such a fucking whore. Take it and moan, you filthy slut.”

Kiba always talked like this. It made Sasuke shiver in a way that Naruto’s gentle praise never did. Kankuro was silent as always, big hands almost circling Sasuke’s hips. Sasuke shifted so that every thrust rubbed maddeningly against his prostate. He hissed at the overstimulation, and Kankuro’s hands were suddenly against his back, holding him up.

Sasuke knew he was beautiful. He let this part of himself out partly because he looked so good, flushed and trembling and desperate for touch. This was something he did well because he was bad at it, something he could be praised for that had nothing to do with his father’s unreachable expectations. As a bottom, Sasuke was pushy, defiant, and proud, and the knowledge that they loved him and wanted him anyway made him ache with unworthy gratitude.

Sasuke was a poor excuse for a son. He was too soft, too passionate, too easily touched. He wore his mother’s death like a leather jacket, wrapping himself in grief and anger to protect from the burn of human compassion. Then Naruto threatened to snap every bone in his body if he tried to leave them. Kankuro began spending the night so that Sasuke didn’t have to sleep alone. Kiba called him a pretty slut and a good boy and made him feel precious for begging to be fucked. It was enough to drive him over the edge, becoming nameless and selfless and nothing but a toy through which he could serve them.

Kankuro in particular loved to worship Sasuke, loved to hold him and tease him and bring him to a screaming, shaking orgasm around his cock. He joked that it was because Sasuke’s beauty took the attention off Kankuro’s face, something that always earned him a swat from Naruto or Kiba.

Kankuro was not pretty. But right now, with his teeth clenched, muscles tensing, chest heaving with every gasping breath, Kankuro was beautiful. His hands were so hot and big and strong, like they could break Sasuke apart and hold him together again without much effort. It made Sasuke feel fragile, which excited him more than having those hands around his cock.

Then Kiba was pulling thick fistfuls of Kankuro’s hair, and Naruto’s hand was tight hot burning around Sasuke’s throat, and Kankuro’s nails were scraping against the tender skin of his ass. “Think I can make him come without touching his dick?” Naruto asked, petting Sasuke’s trachea with one evil, gentle finger.

“I’d like to see you…ah…see you try,” Sasuke snarled. Naruto’s hand kept moving, sending hot shudders of fear and need and submission through Sasuke. Naruto’s hand squeezed just hard enough to make him choke on his next gasp, and Sasuke came so hard his vision blurred.

“Sh, that’s it, god you’re so beautiful.” Naruto held him through his orgasm, pushing down on his thighs so he shuddered and clenched tight around Kankuro’s cock. Kankuro growled when he came, crushing Sasuke against his chest. Sasuke breathed with him, sighing at the smell of male sweat and the gentle feeling of fingers in his hair.

Naruto and Kiba pounced on each other, biting and grinding to satisfy their pent-up arousal. Kankuro lay back and held Sasuke against his chest, and the two of them ran drowsy fingers across each other’s skin. In Kankuro’s strong arms, with Kankuro’s heart thumping in his ear, Sasuke could sleep without the company of his demons.

fic, smut, angst, naruto

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