Oct 10, 2007 19:24
Something about my mood is not quite right. I can't work out what it is. It's kind of a mixture of feeling run down and ill (although I'm not particularly) and depressed, although I'm not feeling unhappy per se, just restless and anxious. I'm feeling unfocused, lethargic and irritable. It's entirely possible (and perhaps even obvious to those outside my head space) that this is caused by the work/career/jobhunting/moving situation, but if it is I hope it doesn't take until my last day to shake my head clear of this foggy feeling.
To cure it I have this evening undertaken a gigantic cleaning/tidying mission, which only serves to underline just how much I am turning into my mother - although this is of course no bad thing if it means I keep my flat clean. I've washed and wiped and rinsed and scrubbed and hoovered and polished tidied and sorted and paid bills and washed the shower curtain. It's clearly serious. The joy being that it only takes two hours of hard work to clean my studio from top to bottom and I can't quite believe it's only a quarter past seven.
One very important lesson I have learned tonight: blondes do not have more fun. Or at least, not the long haired ones. Blondes spend their evenings cleaning great swathes of mouldy stinky hair out of the plughole with an old toothbrush, and removing enough blonde strands from their dark blue carpets to serve the needs of the National Alopecia Foundation, while the short-haired brunettes are out having the fun. It's just not worth it.
The unfocusedness has also extended to music, as it does sometimes. In the absence of knowing what I want to listen to, I have the iPod/iTunes on shuffle all, which accounts for my current song. Although in actual fact I have a big soft spot for this song, mostly because it reminds me of Mark Lamarr (rowr) who once spent an episode of Buzzcocks playing or quoting it (I can't remember which) the whole way through. If anyone can tell me which episode that was (I have every episode on my PC but I don't have time to go through them all) I will be eternally grateful and quite possibly buy you chocolate and maybe even something shiny.