Mar 29, 2007 14:23
So, I've officially begun spring cleaning. But since I'll be moving in a few months, spring cleaning has become spring "throw everything i can out b/c i hate packing."
I've decided to start with my video collection. I have approximately 20 videos with no labels. So here I am -- fast forwarding thru all of them seeing what can stay and what can go. I seriously have an entire season of The Sopranos on VHS and I have no idea why! Other odd things: Super Bowl XXXIII, 3 hours of the Discovery channel and a PBS Riverdance special. The topper -I'm only half way through all of them!
This weekend we are going through the apartment, room by room getting rid of things we don't need/want/etc. There are 3 piles: throw out, donate, eBay!
Its been 8 years since I lived with my parents, and its since weird don't this without someone telling me to. lol