Title: Bottle V or Bottle W
Fandom: House
Chararacter(s): Dr. Gregory House and Dr. James Wilson
Prompt: #10 Years
Word Count: 100
Rating: R (Drug Use and Sexual Innuendo)
kismet_evenstarNotes: I do not claim any ownership over the characters of House . However, this is an original work of mine.
Wilson sat down in the chair, speech prepared, ready to finally face one of his closest friends.
"I can't do it anymore." he told House.
"Bullshit. Here's a pen, here's the script. Look, it's even personalized! Imagine that, a perscription pad with the doctors name on top of it!".
"No Greg. It's been too many years. And I love you too damn much. So the truth is, you are going to stop taking the pills, or we are going to end this right now."
House filled out the perscription himself, '30 Vicodin'. "Sign this please. And I love you too."