Oct 04, 2007 19:05
Things you end up reading about when you're studying law:
Neighbours who cut off the top of your tree when you're on holiday.
Medical benefits for shoe salesmen.
And occasionally, Pictures of Naked Ladies Purloined And Circulated By Wal-Mart Employees. But that's the minority.
I did the internship thing again today and after four hours of data entry (snoooore)was asked to pull a bunch of documents off the server and arrange them in a binder for an expert witness. The associate was astounded that I did this almost without any supervision. I'm not sure when I picked up how to do a documents binder and its index. It must have been at that family law firm I've occasionally temped at although I did at least see some at Brat's. (There was no one there to do the indexing part either. HA-ha!)