"We're going across the Wall."

Jun 05, 2009 20:42

In my increasingly bored state of this summer I had decided that I was going to reread the Artemis Fowl series. Yet again. For like the fifth time in my life. But I wasn't complaining! Honest. I had started out earlier this week and basically every page was like, "oh holy shit, why is this series so awesome?"

BUT THEN for some odd reason I was on the "you have two cows" page of Uncyclopedia and oh hmm let's look at the literature page. Eventually I make it down to the Sabriel listing, which I was actually a little surprised to see. It read "You have two cows. One can bring back the dead and the other loves that one. It's pretty cool."

"Har har, yeah, it is pretty cool," I said to myself. And then I thought about it. Really deeply. "Man, it was awesome. I was so into that shit years ago. What the heck happened?"

So I pulled it out today and flipped through the pages, still indecisive about it. BUT THEN I saw a line with Mogget ordering Sabriel around and reason and sanity and time flew out the window and I was 75 pages into the book again.

And now I am on the Garth Nix wiki page all excited again because there is another Abhorsen book coming out next year. AND THEN AGAIN IN 2011.

So. Hey. Have the Old Kingdom wiki page and uhhhhh see you in like two days, LJ!

love!, abhorsen, novels, summer

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